Sure-Fire Advice on How to Win the Midterms – IOTW Report

Sure-Fire Advice on How to Win the Midterms

Red State

So, the Democrats “have to put Trump on the ballot” in November. As hilariously as the strategy is, the reason is even more hilarious.

If our intrepid president’s “accomplishments” have been as effective and plentiful as he and Nancy Pelosi claim — there have been zero; to the contrary — why didn’t [democrat strategist Terrance] Woodbury advise that every Democrat on the ballot in November run on Joe Biden’s record? Because it has been a disaster from day one and has only gotten worse. More

7 Comments on Sure-Fire Advice on How to Win the Midterms

  1. We must not, NOT, have another Dewey defeats Truman scenario in November. You know the Dems are going to use every cheat they can think of and we will see at least House races flip in recounts just as we did in 2018 unless we win decisively.

    Let the put Trump on the ballot this year. That will be a winning strategy — for the Republicans.

    The party just needs to distance itself from the “let’s tone down the ‘America first’ talk” that we keep hearing from the RINOs. In fact, we need to vote against every RINO in the primaries.

    There should be no room for Vidkun Quisling in the Republican Party.

  2. RE: 2022 midterm election, “Stop the steal” or they will “Repeat the cheat.”

    Elections (all ballots, voting machines, software, etc.) must be auditable or you don’t have a certifiable election


  3. GWB has his DONINION “counting” the votes in many states. Dominion counts votes for non conservatives. @ “Bush Republican” states where DOMINION will fabricate votes this year are AZ and GA!
    As GWB’s role model said 100 years ago, “IT NOT WHO VOTES; BUT WHO COUNTS THE VOTES!” GWB has no morals but he does have a brain!

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