SURPRISE! Sweden’s Social Democrats Were Aligned With Nazis – IOTW Report

SURPRISE! Sweden’s Social Democrats Were Aligned With Nazis


For over 100 years, the Social Democrats have been the biggest and most influential political party in Sweden. For just as long, they have managed to keep their history away from school books and the public debate. Therefore, it is no wonder that so few people are aware of the actual historical foundation of the Social Democrats, even among political representatives within the party. The Social Democrats have a unique position in Swedish history.

No other party has had such power and influence over the Swedish society and its population. No other party has controlled and censored media to the extent that the Social Democrats have done. No other party has made racial biology a science and divided the population by race and conducted medical experiments on helpless patients. No other Swedish party has systematically and forcefully sterilized its own population. No other Swedish party has, to such an extent, helped Nazi Germany and refused Jews a sanctuary. No other Swedish party has, to such a degree, deprived women the possibility to bring children to the world. This is the story of the Social Democrats, as it’s never been told before.

Initially banned from YouTube. It’s back after complaints that YT was banning historical facts.

ht/ Gateway Pundit

9 Comments on SURPRISE! Sweden’s Social Democrats Were Aligned With Nazis

  1. What a bunch of truly demonic, disgusting people! Not only are they racist, they also hate other white people, as well as themselves!

    I see a lot of their dumb ideas in the Dem party in America.

    What’s the Socialist Democrat plan for muslims? Who is winning that social/racial experiment?

  2. Totalitarianism is a colossal tree with deep roots and many branches.
    Socialism (presently) is its tap root.

    Take any socialist system – any one of them – and suggest voluntarism – then watch them recoil in horror. The notion that someone be “allowed” to opt out of their nefarious schemes are anathema to them – they know that their “system” cannot function without coercion.

    All of Europe is imbued with this disease (come to think of it, so is Asia, Africa, North and South America, the Islands, &c.).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This was brought forward in the the Steig Larssen book “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”. I am always wary of “neutral” countries – in my book, you either “is or you ain’t”. Same goes for dual citizenship – you either are for your country or you are not.

  4. formwiz- “The Swiss were just as bad.”

    Dehomag was the german name for ibm, and they worked, throughout the war, for germany, from the protected ‘neutrality’ of Switzerland. This part of history should be made common knowledge.

    Sweden supplied the punch cards to dehomag (ibm) that were used by the nazi’s to monitor the people and run the concentration camps. They did that knowingly of what was going on.. They were the supply line for the nazi punchcards.

    “For example, in the first three months of 1939 alone, IBM Sweden
    sold 1.9 million punch cards to Denmark, 1.3 million to Finland, and 696,000
    to Norway. IBM NY sold 1 million cards to Yugoslavia and 700,000 to Fascist
    Spain. Dehomag sold 261,000 to Hungary. It was all done under the constant
    supervision of IBM Geneva, which in turn kept in continuous contact with
    IBM NY. European General Manager Schotte regularly flew back and forth
    from Switzerland to America conveying reports.”
    …IBM operated profitable Deho-
    mag-dominated subsidiaries in Italy, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Holland, Bel-
    gium, Romania, France, Sweden, and indeed almost everywhere in Europe.”
    …Millions of punch cards were routinely shipped from IBM in America
    directly to Nazi-controlled sources in Poland, France, Bulgaria, and Belgium,
    or routed circuitously through Sweden or colonies in Africa.”
    …In the case of IBM in Sweden, a Department
    of Justice investigator recorded that it was not until April 1943, more than
    one year after Swedish manager Tag Lundberg first received instructions to
    “cease trading with the enemy,” that the wholly-owned subsidiary complied
    with an explicit order from New York.”

    Sorry for all of that. They knew and it won’t be forgotten while I am alive..
    I really do sincerely hate those bastards.
    And , gee, does this have anything in common with nsa in america? Or lifelong for that matter? Oh, that’s right- its called facebook now.


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