SURPRISE! You Will See Moose in September – IOTW Report

SURPRISE! You Will See Moose in September


What’s a Democrat to do?

President Biden’s poll numbers seem set in quicksand. Now the special counsel’s justification for not recommending charges against Biden for having “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials” is damning: Biden’s memory has such “significant limitations” that the special counsel believed he could not convince a jury that Biden has a “mental state of willfulness” that a serious felony (or, presumably, serving as president) requires. Cue the campaign commercials.

Salvation lies in the DNC rules. Remember the New Jersey “Switcheroo” way back in 2002, when Democrats turned a sure loss of a Senate seat into a win by swapping out their losing candidate at the last minute, overriding a state law that said it was too late in the cycle for such a switch?

Bet on Democrats to pull the same “switcheroo,” but at an even higher level – and even later than you expect – possibly at but more likely about two weeks after their convention, giving us a “September Surprise.” Joe Biden is a placeholder quelling current competition for a much better bet – Michelle Obama – just in time to turn a sure loss in 2024 into a surprise potential victory.

“Tosh!” you say. “She’s said she hates politics, she doesn’t want to run.” Ah, she made every one of those statements before she got to see Biden redefining the job and expectations for the presidency. Now she knows that when the media wants a president in place, a four-day workweek, consisting of one social obligation per day, and everything else delegated, will suffice. And that’s without a highly experienced First Gentleman.

“Pure lunacy!” said Karl Rove speaking to host Stuart Varney on Fox about the possibility of a Michelle Obama candidacy. “People would say, ‘You know what, that’s Barack Obama going for a third term.’ They wouldn’t go for it.”


ht/ woody

26 Comments on SURPRISE! You Will See Moose in September

  1. I’ve been saying this for months.
    Bitch can stand on a street corner in bumfuk Montana and get millions in donations within minutes.
    She Black.
    She a woman.
    She transvestite.
    She ultra-liberal.
    She lies with the best of them.
    God help us!!!!

  2. That would be Baracks forth term. We’re in his third term now.
    Try to keep up Karl. You sell yourself as a smart political analyst. False advertising if there ever was.

  3. I bet the Mooch mail-in ballots have already been printed in China and distributed to secure postal facilities in the usual suspect states. Of course, the Dominion Mooch Update flash drives, as well as the software which fractionalizes Trump votes, can be done instantly and won’t be ginned up until October.

    This will be the most Safe & Secure election fraud in history, and no need to concoct a ridiculous 81,000,000 votes, because—big narrative sigh—“Trump’s legal problems just turned off too many voters”.

  4. The moose hunting season in Maine is from September 24 to September 30 for the peak rut, October 8 to 14 for the post-peak rut, and October 22 to October 28 for the cow moose.

    Just sayin’

  5. Oh boy, the dirt that would come out in Trump ads.
    I can see them now, full of how ashamed she said she is of this country and how oppressed she is while trekking from one mansion to another.
    She is one of the most unlikeable people I’ve ever seen.
    The media will try to hide it all but it won’t work.
    And yes, it would be Barry’s fourth term.
    Or Val Jarrett’s 4th.

  6. I hope Yrump has contingency opposition research going and commercial of the mooch saying ‘the first time I was ever proud of this country…’

    she can be destroyed and Trump is the only one who could do it.

  7. I’ve been saying this mechanism will be used to install a Biden replacement for awhile now. I’m not sure it’ll be moose. Definitely someone compliant so that the Presidency can be run from behind like it is now.

  8. I believe Cisco Kid was the first one here to shout this one loud, clear and often.

    But really it matters not what figurehead (see puppet) is put in place.

    If you haven’t watched the Mike Benz interview that one might shed some light on the subject of how far gone we are.

  9. “Pure lunacy!” said Karl Rove speaking to host Stuart Varney on Fox about the possibility of a Michelle Obama candidacy. “People would say, ‘You know what, that’s Barack Obama going for a third term.’ They wouldn’t go for it.”
    Doesn’t Karl mean “4th term”?

  10. The antichrist is going to be a gay male, but he’s also supposed to be charismatic, so I guess the Moose doesn’t qualify. That angry Barry humping headboard smashing creature isn’t qualified to do anything above scrubbing toilets.

  11. If you want to know how Carolina Style Politics work . . .
    Watch the David Jolly (R) and Susan Del Peep R-op interview on msNBC just now.

    David Jolly (R-ret) of Scarborough fame is the RINO equiv of that Dick Head Wrapped Up Like A Duche Jamie Raskin (D-act). Susan is a planted long-player that got tripped up today on TV and revealed something. They want Biden. And Always Have. Since the Early AM days. With Berry. Yup, that far back.
    They were traitors to your party from the beginning. Steele too.


  12. I also think it will be Newsom. Trump and Newsom actually are cordial to each other. Newsom has said he like Trump and Trump the same about Newsom. Trump is a lot more effective when he’s ripping someones head off. That’s hard to do with someone you get along with.
    I don’t think if brains were dynamite Mike could blow his nose. The debates would be a disaster. If they have any.

  13. I’ve seen that video before. It reminds me of the old Bobby Rydell hit, Swingin’ School, but with a dick in the middle, i.e., Swingin’ Dick School.

    I hope the video is real and it shows this Michelle creature for what it really is.


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