Surrender Monkeys – IOTW Report

Surrender Monkeys

A brief look at why Arab armies always seem to do poorly in the field.




20 Comments on Surrender Monkeys

  1. That reminds me of the Six Day War. The Egyptians imported the best flight trainers. They learned how to shoot, take off, drop bombs, combat spread, barrel roll attack, pitch back and high and low yo-yo. One day an Egyptian pilot asked his trainer why they were not teaching them how to land. The trainer smiled and said, the Israelis will teach you how to land..

  2. Don’t underestimate them.
    Fierce warriors at one time and only need a Trump to make them coalesce.
    Their “leaders” are soft-soap, unbelieving shit-stains who think that existence is an “opportunity to shop between two infinities of nothingness.”
    Their “leadership” is as greedily nihilistic and worthless as Europe’s, Asia’s, South America’s, Africa’s, and ours. It will only take a Surena or Saladin to make them a world-wide nuisance and formidable foe.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This is also because they are largely cowards. Just like other ambush predators.
    Read the Haj by Leon Uris. That will tell you pretty much tell you all you need to know about the Wogs

  4. In my times (early to mid 70’s) in Saudi, Iran, Pakistan, and Jordan I can honestly say I never met anyone I wanted to become friends with or trusted at all. They seemed to have an attitude of superiority even though they wanted everything (including flush toilets) from us.

    The leaders were deceptive and the followers lived in fear. The most interesting thing their common soldiers wanted to learn was how to cuss in English with a heavy emphasis on gay slurs.

    Can honestly say today that I never found much common ground with them but I did have a ball in Djibouti because of the French Foreign Legion. They were truly bad ass and could drink the Australians under the table.

  5. @ Tim
    Moslems of the Crusader era, and through the 1400s were an entirely different species than the current variety. It is said with some truth, that Moslem scholars preserved much ancient literature during the middle ages, later rediscovered by western students and historians. Though most was borrowed, there were some original advances in medicine, mathematics and philosophy. Sophisticated culture of those times has degenerated significantly. (Consider the Alhambra vs. the destruction of Bamiyan.) Muslims now are incapable of any such contributions.
    The current multi-headed theocratic leadership has been successful by appealing to the lowest common denominator, and whipping their rabble to a frenzy of hatred. A dumbed-down version of Islam is the framework they rely upon.
    Infiltration by this unwashed horde will destroy the West

  6. @Ed357 – Your mention of family trees made me think of plants that spread via rhizome: roots spreading underground in all directions and invisible until a bunch of new destructive weeds spring up in the middle of your garden.

  7. The danger now is Western designed nukes in Muslim hands.

    Their using nukes against us is inevitable.
    Pick a target city or cities and the symbolic date of choice.

  8. During the Gulf War, I had the opportunity to meet with various Arab fighters from a variety of countries.

    Most were conscripts, the lower level poor from their country with no military training. Cannon fodder and speed bumps, a hollow show of force and international cooperation.

    One the war started, they moved to the rear and let others (Marines) do the fighting.

    However, the Iraqis do give me hope. As Napoleon once said, a man will do anything for a piece of colored ribbon (paraphrasing).

  9. Multiple factors — cousins marrying cousins, the whole tribal/familial mentality on who they are willing to trust. The whole idea of “submission” isn’t just about religion, it is the defining mind-set of the entire culture, plus their fatalistic attitude (“it is the will of Allah” totally impedes any sort of critical thinking).

    Trump just sold billions of dollars of the latest equipment and aviation hardware to the Saudis; however will they have the technical expertise and just the simple brain power (I.e. cousins marrying cousins again) to figure out what they just bought.

  10. They have a tribal culture. When their ‘units’ are comprised of random people from different tribes, that all hate each other, you are going to have no unit cohesion.

  11. @Rufus T Firefly June 4, 2017 at 4:02 pm

    > The danger now is Western designed nukes in Muslim hands.

    If you can assure me, Mr. Firefly, that that is the greatest danger. then I’ll go back to sleeping long and easy.

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