Survey Says: College students fail to cast absentee ballots because they don’t know where to get postage stamps – IOTW Report

Survey Says: College students fail to cast absentee ballots because they don’t know where to get postage stamps

WA Times: College students at Old Dominion are having a tough time casting absentee ballots over a problem that costs cents — U.S. postal stamps.

Lisa Connors with the Fairfax County Office of Public Affairs told a local radio station this week that a recent focus group shed light on the logistical “hump” for college students. Virginia officials from multiple county departments surveyed their interns to better understand the problem.

“One thing that came up, which I had heard from my own kids but I thought they were just nerdy, was that the students will go through the process of applying for a mail-in absentee ballot, they will fill out the ballot, and then, they don’t know where to get stamps. That seems to be like a hump that they can’t get across,” Ms. Connors told WTOP on Tuesday.  more here

27 Comments on Survey Says: College students fail to cast absentee ballots because they don’t know where to get postage stamps

  1. How lazy, stupid and ignorant do you have to be not to know where to get a postage stamp to mail in an absentee ballot? And it only costs two bits ($.50 for you youngins). It’s no wonder the state of Wash. made ballot return envelopes out with postage paid return envelopes. What’s their next excuse, that they’re too young immature and stupid to vote. Return the voting age to 21 it might cull out some of the morons.

  2. Direct them to the Post Office. Take them there if you have to. They need to stand in a government line before they rush headlong into socialism.

    If only these pampered little fools had to stand in line for their college loans.

  3. I had to put a stamp on a jury questionnaire the other day.

    Wtf do I have to reach into my pocket to answer your fucking questionnaire, and under penalty of law if I fail to do so?

    However, it doesn’t surprise me, my kid was like. What do I need a mailbox for, when I dropped him at the dormitory a month ago.

  4. Let me make sure I’m hearing this correctly.

    If I go to exercise my constitutionally protected 2nd Amendment rights, I have to pay for an exorbitant fee to run a background check and provide all kinds of ID.

    But 50 cents is a poll tax? The smallest violin is rosining up its bow my entitled little fuckwits.

  5. I have a sneaking suspicion the survey should read, “LIBERAL College students fail to cast absentee ballots because they don’t know where to get postage stamps”

    Even so, it’s hard to believe they wouldn’t google or bing the question and find out where to go. And if they’ve been to a grocery store they must have heard cashiers ask customers during checkout if they need stamps.

  6. If you are too fucking stupid to figure out where to get a stamp, you do not deserve a say in who holds elected office. You actually don’t deserve to be in this country, you are going to be a drain on actual producers in society for the rest of your life. And you parents, if this is how well they raised you, don’t deserve a vote either.

  7. Years ago, my then, oldest son (18), didn’t know what a postage stamp was. I kid you not. But he can reach the highest level of any video game at record speed.

    Public education (eye roll)

  8. “I had to put a stamp on a jury questionnaire the other day”

    Heheh, jury duty questionnaires. Another thing the snowflakes are going to need a stamp for after they register to vote. At last that’s how it works around here.

    Once you put your hand out, kids, the gummint grabs it real quick and never lets loose.

  9. Just had an idea: before the election, flood the campuses with fake postage stamps. Imagine the look on the little leftists faces when the ballot is returned the day after the election marked “return to sender”. Of course it would be illegal; I’m just kidding.

  10. Well it was a university in the Old Dominion, UVa., that cursed and insulted the country with Marie Harf.

    With that alumni to their credit maybe we shouldn’t be surprised if Va college students can’t figure out where or how to buy a postage stamp. A competent investigation should find if they were that stupid before they got there or if their intelligence declined after arriving and taking classes at the institutions.

  11. The cool good thing about using a sliderule is you have to become good at doing math in your head to use them. Digital calculators otoh don’t require/train the brain to do that. Maybe NASA did better work with sliderule trained engineers because of it.

  12. FFS. They can order them online from the post office or from Amazon, so they don’t even have to go out of their safe space.

    I would just say, “I’ll get a stamp and mail it for you.” And then trash the ballot.

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