Texas: Border Patrol Agent Attacked By Illegal Who Tried To Take His Gun – IOTW Report

Texas: Border Patrol Agent Attacked By Illegal Who Tried To Take His Gun

Breaking 911: BROWNSVILLE, Texas – A U.S. Border Patrol agent was assaulted during the apprehension of an illegal alien.

Yesterday, agents assigned to the Fort Brown Station encountered a Mexican national who had illegally entered the United States near Brownsville, Texas. As the agent attempted to place the man under arrest, the illegal alien became combative, took the agent’s handcuffs away and a struggle ensued. During the struggle, the illegal alien made an attempt to grab the agent’s service weapon. The agent was able to subdue the man and took him into custody.

3 Comments on Texas: Border Patrol Agent Attacked By Illegal Who Tried To Take His Gun

  1. “Did he subdue him with a bullet?”
    Pfft. And have a GW Bush selected judge put the agent behind bars for years?
    They did it to Ramos and Compean. http://ramos-compean.blogspot.com/

    W Bush was pardoning drug dealers and thugs since 2006 and left those two guys in jail for doing their jobs until 2009. They were harassed, beaten badly at times. The day before Bush left the WH, he set them free. Thanks, asshole.

    By 2006, I knew GWB was a complete RINO. This was just icing on the cake.
    If the agents were treated like shit during W, imagine what they went through with 0bama!


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