Survey Says: Taxes and Regulation Bleed Blue States, Pump Up Red – IOTW Report

Survey Says: Taxes and Regulation Bleed Blue States, Pump Up Red

New interstate migration survey from the U.S. Census Bureau says high taxes and regulation bleed Blue states, pump up Red. Americans flee high rates of both to live where they can keep more of their own money and be left alone. The migration changes the electoral map. More empirical proof that Conservative principles work…if fleeing Democrats will change their old voting habits.

Watch Bill Whittle

17 Comments on Survey Says: Taxes and Regulation Bleed Blue States, Pump Up Red

  1. Mom says it may well snow in Vegas. She’s local to vegas.
    Just got an email from her. School cancellations. Is algore in town?

    Oh wait. He’s here in Virginia in his popemobile promising Governor blackface everlasting salvation if he cancels the natural gas pipeline.

  2. The wife finally came around last Summer and agreed we should move from WA to TX. She got sick of you progtarded coworkers and their stupid ass shit. Plus, progtard coworkers tend to be cliquish, lazy, and selfish, always reserving the best work schedules from themselves and their friends and taking literally every single sick day and FMLA they can every single fucking year.

  3. Living in a red state, I hate that shit, for every one conservative that moves from a blue state we always get 5 liberal idiots that are too damn stupid to understand why taxes and cost of living was so high where they came from, not to mention their love for illegals, abortion and their immoral bullshit and fear of guns.

  4. think so? Virginia, apart from electing Governor ‘Coonman’, a Lt. Governor Rapist & an Attorney General Racist, the 3 highest offices in the state, just elected a Jihadi to the State Congress

    …. more like … turning Red States to Blue …. you’re next Florida

  5. The problem with those fleeing the blue States is that they are taking themselves with them.

    Which means that wherever they go will end up being the same as where they fled from.

    Then what?

  6. The stereotype is not always the rule.
    I fled a blue state and moved to the reddest state. But I’m more conservative than most of my new neighbors and friends.

    They brag about how many generations ago they got here. (It’s a prime criterion for political candidates, esp. for Gov.) I point out that they personally are here because of good fortune, but I CHOSE to move my family here. It’s not cheap to drop your life, property, business and move far away with all your stuff.

    Going to that trouble, and bearing those expenses makes me hate liberals that much more. It’s directly their fault that I had to do it.


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