SURVEY: White Christians no longer a majority in the U.S. – IOTW Report

SURVEY: White Christians no longer a majority in the U.S.



The share of Americans who identify as white and Christian has dropped below 50 percent, a transformation fueled by immigration and by growing numbers of people who reject organized religion altogether, according to a new survey released Wednesday.

Christians overall remain a large majority in the U.S., at nearly 70 percent of Americans. However, white Christians, once predominant in the country’s religious life, now comprise only 43 percent of the population, according to the Public Religion Research Institute, or PRRI, a polling organization based in Washington. Four decades ago, about eight in 10 Americans were white Christians.

The change has occurred across the spectrum of Christian traditions in the U.S., including sharp drops in membership in predominantly white mainline Protestant denominations such as Presbyterians and Lutherans; an increasing Latino presence in the Roman Catholic Church as some non-Hispanic white Catholics leave; and shrinking ranks of white evangelicals, who until recently had been viewed as immune to decline.

The trends identified in the survey are fueling anxiety about the place of Christians in society, especially among evangelicals, alarmed by support for gay marriage and by the increasing share of Americans – about one-quarter – who don’t identify with a faith group. President Donald Trump, who repeatedly promised to protect the religious liberty of Christians, drew 80 percent of votes by white evangelicals, a constituency that remains among his strongest supporters.


ht/ fdr in hell

13 Comments on SURVEY: White Christians no longer a majority in the U.S.

  1. The huge numbers of Mexican and Central American immigrants, legal and illegal, who are “Christians”, are keeping the faith alive, much to the chagrin of the satanic progressives. This helps explain why they are desperate to import as many muslims into the country; to offset Christianity, and hopefully (to them) eventually kill off the Christians. Evil supporting evil.

  2. Well it may be that “The share of Americans who identify as white and Christian has dropped below 50 percent” but I can say that the share of Americans that have been accused of being white racists is 100 percent.

  3. “…and Hillary has a 97% chance of victory in the 2016 Presidential Election.”

    “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics (Polls).” ~ Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli

    More FAKE polls to support the evil, Godless, communist agenda friends, nothing more.

  4. I find those who have opted for atheism and agnosticism a fascinating study in arrogance, i.e. atheists fully reject God as a fairy tale, agnostics simply won’t commit. Both are just “too smart”. An earlier post of the arrogant agnostic Neil Tyson is a good example.

    Are you really “too smart” to choose God, to choose faith in the young man who died a miserable death on a cross and committed to us an offer of salvation?

    Do you understand why God uses children as the best examples of behavior on the planet? Children are innocent, have faith, have undying spirit.

    We are not handed the absolute proof of God in our lives. The point is to choose to believe, take the leap of faith, and therefore reap the benefits of what the Kingdom of God has to offer.

    Yet, atheists and agnostics, based on an extremely limited knowledge, have chosen the path away from God.

    Einstein got to a level of physics understanding where he acknowledged an inexplicable harmony. He could be used as the yardstick for intelligence and knowledge, but could only use a bit more power from a limited human brain than others.

    Arrogance is a trait that I will never understand or appreciate.

  5. I’m pretty sure that number will decrease even further when Jesus returns to claim His Church (all the races will decrease in number in fact) and we’ll all understand it bye and bye.

    Those of you who will remain will probably flock to the mother alien ship for comfort (**spoiler alert** “It’ll be a great deception when you find out the little green men are demons and evil spirits).

  6. no … that’s just a statistical twist … there may be less than 50% of people that say they are white & Christian, but that excludes the black, hispanish, Asian, etc. that are Christian
    … besides, just like the “whites will be in minority by … ‘pick a date'” meme … the whites will still be the majority, just not an over 50% majority
    Barbie says, “Math is hard!”

  7. The older generation of white members of traditional Christian churches seem to be declining. Most of these church buildings with predominant white congregation are sometimes abandoned or taken over by latino congregations. It’s sad –
    especially, when these great church buildings are abandoned after years of history and memories.
    I saw what happened to a once vibrant Lutheran church, with beautiful architecture, reduces to a shell with rubble and trashed hymnals, files, dishes, even picture albums all throughout the interior. Very alarming. White Gen Xers and Millennials seem to be so transitory, agnostic/atheist or into mega churches, these neighborhood churches don’t stand much of a chance.

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