Susan Collins announces she will vote to acquit Trump – IOTW Report

Susan Collins announces she will vote to acquit Trump

FOX: Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins, a key swing vote in President Trump’s impeachment trial, announced Tuesday she would vote to acquit on both articles of impeachment — noting that Democrats’ “abuse of power” charge “did not even attempt” to allege that Trump had committed a crime, and instead constituted a “difficult-to-define, non-criminal act.”

Even as she criticized Trump’s behavior as “flawed,” Collins further slammed House Democrats for delaying transmitting the articles of impeachment to the Senate for more than a month, saying the stalling and posturing undercut their arguments that the president was an imminent threat.

Last week, along with Utah GOP Sen. Mitt Romney, Collins had broken ranks with her fellow Republicans to vote in favor of additional witnesses in the Senate trial. Trump, who is now set to be overwhelmingly acquitted by the Senate on Wednesday, will deliver the annual State of the Union address before Congress Tuesday night amid record-high approval ratings.

Collins began her remarks on the Senate floor by observing the increasingly partisan nature of the impeachment process.

“For more than 200 years after our Constitution was adopted, only one president faced an impeachment trial before the United States Senate — that was Andrew Johnson in 1868,” she said. “But now, we are concluding our second impeachment trial in just 21 years.” read more

10 Comments on Susan Collins announces she will vote to acquit Trump

  1. Will say this about Manchin…he is 100 percent pro gun and 2nd amendment. He also voted to co firm Justice Kav.
    That’s why he keeps winning in a solid red state like WV.


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