Susan Collins (R-Maine) Unsure If She’ll Seek Another Senate Term – IOTW Report

Susan Collins (R-Maine) Unsure If She’ll Seek Another Senate Term

The Hill

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) says she has not decided whether to run for reelection, suggesting “dark money groups” have hurt her chances.

“The divisiveness of our country and the unceasing attacks by dark money groups in Maine have clearly had an impact,” Collins told Bloomberg in a recent interview. More

13 Comments on Susan Collins (R-Maine) Unsure If She’ll Seek Another Senate Term

  1. Stupid woman. She made life miserable for all of us by sitting on the fence where her vote was badly needed. Well, she can join Hilda in the wood for all I care.

  2. Vietvet JULY 28, 2019 AT 11:41 AM

    You’re killing me man… (as per usual)

    I would respectfully wish to add that just like 99.44/100% of all politicals she’s full of shit. Unless she were to get successfully primaried she be there at the troff of excess rewards with all the other piggies for years to come. Short of the fear of exposure of some sort criminals actions how could anyone walk away from…

    Hope this works…

  3. “The divisiveness of our country and the unceasing attacks by dark money groups in Maine …”

    Explain that – please. How has “divisiveness” hindered your career? And are the “unceasing attacks” by “dark money” groups hitting their mark? The point of politics is division – if we all believed the same narrative we wouldn’t need politicians, now would we? If the “conservative” philosophy was universal, we could just leave each other alone, keep what’s ours, and practice a Christian charity. If the nihilistic philosophy were universal, we could kill our children with impunity, take what we wanted from our neighbors, and impose unrestrained Enviro-Nazi-ism.

    The fact that there exists a vast middle between these two philosophies is why we have “mediating” institutions and politics.

    Politics isn’t (just) a license to steal – there is also a practical aspect to it – one that takes some effort. Sorry the non-theft part is a burden on you.

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. First she promised only 2 terms.
    Now Soros backed Sara Gideon is running against her and she decides to retire.
    Sara Gideon is a lying, devious, sneaky, extreme socialst jerk. She has been Speaker of the Maine House. She does things like ajourns for the day then calls the Dems in for a special session late at night after the R’s have gone home and takes votes on liberal bills.
    If she goes to the Senate we are in trouble.
    She is an out of stater who graduated Emerge America/ Maine. They come here because our elections are cheap compared to large states.

  5. if she’s the only republican we can get in Maine, I will take her … she has helped & she has hindered … but she’s better than anything we’ll get with a D’rat
    & a D’rat senator, along w/ Bitch Romney, gives the Senate to the D’rats

    gotta give her props on her speech at the Kavanaugh vote

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