Susan Rice, Not Afraid To Expand Her Fortune Ten Times From Government Service – IOTW Report

Susan Rice, Not Afraid To Expand Her Fortune Ten Times From Government Service

ABC News

According to ABC News’ analysis of the most recent disclosure reports, many of Biden’s top White House officials, including Chief of Staff Ron Klain, Domestic Policy Council Director Susan Rice, National Economic Council Director Brian Deese, and coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients, have substantially multiplied their wealth over the past few years.

Rice, who is among the wealthiest members of the Biden White House team, dramatically increased her wealth since her previous White House job during the Obama administration, reporting between $36 million and $149 million in various assets in her new disclosure filing released Saturday morning.

That’s nearly three to four times the amount she reported back in 2009, when she joined the Obama administration as the ambassador to the United Nations. Back then she reported total wealth between $13.6 million and $40.4 million, and the figure didn’t increase dramatically when she served as President Barack Obama’s national security advisor during his second term. More

18 Comments on Susan Rice, Not Afraid To Expand Her Fortune Ten Times From Government Service

  1. Anyone with that kind of wealth that wants to “serve” the public, would give their time freely if the had a shroud of decency.

    Like President Trump.

    I would also like to see how much she gives to charity each year. I do what I can, when I can, but I don’t have life changing money like she does.

  2. It is one of the most flagrant miscarriages of justice that Susan Rice is not rotting away in a federal prison for the crime of perpetrating the Benghazi Video Hoax and hawking that made up bull$shit story on every TV show that would have her. No accountability, no responsibility, no shame, nothing.

  3. I really miss the days when a ‘public servant’ was tossed on his/her ass for NOT serving the public.
    IDK, maybe that never really happened, which would explain a lot.

  4. I have no problem people getting rich, this is America, land of opportunity and wealth. But the manner is important.

    If she writes a dopey book and a few million stooges want to pony up 40 bucks for a copy, OK by me. Michelle did it, the most vapid person on the planet. If a woke fortune 500 company wants to pay her half a mill for a speech, good on her. And if ever sinking in the ratings new organization wants to give her a multi million dollar contract to spout lies and innuendos about the GOP, more power to her.

    But if its “Biden mafia money” like, remuneration for a quid pro quo while she has influence and power, that crosses the line and is not OK.

    But the first chapter in the “How to be a democrat” handbook covers track covering, the chapter before “Morals equivocation”, she’ll be fine.

  5. rich taylor
    “writes a dopey book”
    The whole book deals are part of the payoff. Hillary got $14 million advance and only sold about 200,000 copies.
    I’m sure most of their books did not make a profit, just a money laundering plan.

    Barack and Michelle Obama $65 million
    Bill Clinton – $15 million for My Life
    George W. Bush – $7 million
    Dick Cheney – $2 million
    Alan Greenspan: “The Age of Turbulence” – $8.5 million

    More here.

  6. @Cmn¢¢guy

    “Former first lady Michelle Obama ‘s memoir, ” Becoming,” could become the best-selling memoir in history.”

    10 million copies sold. That is why book publishers give out these outrageous advances. But it’s not a payoff, they hope to make a lot of money as well so it is a risk for them. Michelle’s book made the publishers a lot of coin, Hillary’s, not so much.

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