Susan Rice Sends Unusual email on Trump’s Inauguration Day To…. Herself – IOTW Report

Susan Rice Sends Unusual email on Trump’s Inauguration Day To…. Herself


Grassley said in a letter to Susan Rice:
“It strikes us as odd that, among your activities in the final moments on the final day of the Obama administration, you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation.  In addition, despite your claim that President Obama repeatedly told Mr. Comey to proceed ‘by the book,’ substantial questions have arisen about whether officials at the FBI, as well as at the Justice Department and the State Department, actually did proceed ‘by the book.’” 
Senate Judiciary Chairmen Grassley and Graham sent Susan Rice a list of questions she must answer the Committee by January 22nd 2018:
  1. Did you send the email attached to this letter to yourself?  Do you have any reason to dispute the timestamp of the email?
  1. When did you first become aware of the FBI’s investigation into allegations of collusion between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia?
  1. When did you become aware of any surveillance activities, including FISA applications, undertaken by the FBI in conducting that investigation?  At the time you wrote this email to yourself, were you aware of either the October 2016 FISA application for surveillance of Carter Page or the January 2017 renewal?


32 Comments on Susan Rice Sends Unusual email on Trump’s Inauguration Day To…. Herself

  1. Good to know this HAPPENS TO PROVE
    Obama knew about the “Russia Investigation”…
    …which *only* (/s) shows his involvement…
    …which *only* shows COMPLICITY IN CARTER PAGE NET thrown.


    p.s. I’ve given up popcorn, and have switched permanently to the healthier alternative of whiskey.

  2. Date: The day before the inauguration of Trump (Democrat Public enemy #1)

    To: Susan Rice (and by extension Barky Obama)

    Subj: Exoneration of Susan Rice (and by extension Barky Obama)

    Dear Susan:

    This email from me to me is proof positive that I am innocent of any crimes, misdemeanors or illegal shenanigans (and by extension Barky Obama)!


    Susan Rice (and by extension Barky Obama)

  3. Susan, help save Obama,
    You just write some shit so he looks good,
    Send it off in an email to yourself
    Susan, help save Obama,
    Write yourself that damned email,
    If you help him, you might feel better,
    When you get jailed.

  4. I won’t be happy until indictments start flying. D or R, anyone involved in this shitticane needs to be tried and jailed.

    But what do I know, I’m drinking vodka… RUSSIANS!!!11!!!!

  5. He repeatedly told Comey to proceed by the book?

    Oh, brother. That would be a given. If I were president and I felt that I needed to say something like that to the director of the FBI I would I wouldn’t have him as FBI director.

    I rather think that what Obama actually repeated to Comey was not to worry, no one would know would ever know the crime they were involved in, and that Comey would be well compensated with a great place in the Hillary administration.

  6. I hope when all is finally laid bare that General Flynn sues the living shit out everyone involved in railroading and fucking him over on what everyone knew were completely bogus charges.

  7. I don’t believe that Comey mentioned this meeting in his testimony before Congress. This is another sign that too many people are involved in this conspiracy to keep it from unraveling.

  8. @Marco:
    “After Osmidgen and President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton, Susan Rice is third on my list of lying, cheating, seditious traitors that I want to see thrown in a cell.”

    You took the words right out of my mouth; I want to see that smug smirk wiped off that bitch’s mug.

  9. From:
    Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1941 23:23:44 +0000
    Subject: Totally unexpected result of visit to Rick’s Café Américain

    I am completely shocked, I say shocked, to discover gambling going on within the premises of Rick’s Café Américain today. I was visiting the café today to purchase and enjoy a spiced Moroccan coffee in this peaceful Shari’a-compliant premises, and one thing suddenly caught my eye. There seemed to be some form of gambling going on. I watched for a few minutes, verifying that some form of gambling did seem to be occurring. My appearing to pocket some winnings was obviously my ploy to be able to testify in court that I had personal experience in the nefarious law breaking suddenly uncovered. I will talk to Rick and remind him that everything has to be done “by the book”. I’m sure that Rick will readily admit to a complete deception of me to fully explain my earlier innocent inaction. As always I am going to work by the book at all times.

    I haven’t detected any alcohol sale or consumption either and this was done also by the book. A lengthy questioning of the bartender uncovered no evidence or confession of contact with alcohol.

    P.S. Talk with Rick and get him to supply ‘refunds’ on the coffee overpayment in a brown envelope to keep the risk of robbers seeing the cash change hands and planning to rob me.

  10. When the judge says, “prison,” I want them all to go to real jail, with seatless toilets in the middle of the floor and a sleeping shelve that hangs on the wall, no windows and no curtains on the bars.

    Not one of those cushy prisons where executives are sent.

  11. Had a boss show me a set of notes it had taken regarding a few months of meetings with various people.

    It said “ you can tell they were on different days because I used different pens.”

    It should have went to prison as well.

  12. Here we always thought smart people were hired to work in these high paid government jobs. This is just another urban legend. Clever is not a sign of intelligence. Electronic fingerprints left by the send/enter key are etched in time and scattered. If Rice thought she might somehow save her butt, she may have foolishly over cooked it with the push of a keytop.

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