Susan Rice Tweets Like A Horse’s A** – IOTW Report

Susan Rice Tweets Like A Horse’s A**

In a not too subtle reply to the President’s statements on his efforts to do more to improve relations with North Korea than the previous administration, Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor tweeted a most undiplomatic response. Here

19 Comments on Susan Rice Tweets Like A Horse’s A**

  1. Trump is busy trolling to get the actors in the Obama Administration to illustrate to the public at large just how thin skinned and what pathetic miserable failures they are. And the suckers are taking the bait.

  2. Yet Susan fails to follow up her meltdown with any argument as to why Trump’s statement is horseshit. She still has a Security Clearance no doubt, and she could go right to the documentation which would allow her to DESTROY Trump if she is right. Instead, she’s going to let the Media toadies explain her rage-tweet. As usual.

  3. Can’t think of one good person the seditious gay Kenyan commie had on his staff. Not one. Surrounded himself with fools, dolts, losers, imbeciles.

  4. And Susan, let me remind you that right this moment, your ex-boss is gallivanting around the world, lying about America and trying to subvert our foreign policy. You may be dabbling in that stuff yourself. You’d be making a big mistake if you were.

  5. Rice, Comey, Brennan (Clapper’s too stupid to use a smartphone), McCabe, Baker, all feel perfectly safe in their not so cryptic messaging.
    They must know something we don’t.

    Do they AG Barr? Are they safe in their smugness?

  6. First, if Rice still has a top (or any) security clearance it needs to be revoked. Second, the only reason this bitch is screeching off is that she’s terrified Trump will succeed where she and her Master has failed so often and that if successful she knows her record will be reviewed in detail and the stuff they;ll find will change the history books and possibly ship her off to a federal hotel.

  7. It occurs to me that the only Clintonist with any sense to keep their head down and be quiet is Huma.
    And that’s amazing to me since she’s so dumb she married a pedo, and stayed with him.

  8. LYING Sunday Morning Obama ass eating BITCH patsy.

    She, along with Sammie Power, along with Hillary Rotten, along with Moosheelle…and Obama had not one smidget of testosterone, what a team.

    We made it! Holy shit…

    May God bless those men that DIED.

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