Suspect arrested for assassinating Brit MP is finally named by police, but the New York Times won’t print his name: Ali Harbi Ali – IOTW Report

Suspect arrested for assassinating Brit MP is finally named by police, but the New York Times won’t print his name: Ali Harbi Ali

American Thinker-

By Thomas Lifson

We can guess that British Member of Parliament Sir David Amess, cruelly and painfully stabbed to death while meeting with constituents, was likely targeted for his pro-Israel and philo-Semitic views, now that the name of the suspect arrested at the scene has been released.

Around 6 PM EDT Saturday, the UK Guardian first reported:

Sources have confirmed to the Guardian that the suspect’s name is Ali Harbi Ali, 25.

Other British media picked up the story and added details. The Sunday Times and Evening Standard both chose to emphasize the suspect’s family as victims: “Father’s shock after son held over Sir David Amess murder” and “Terror suspect’s family have been left ‘traumatised’ by arrest.” They respectively headlined.

It turns out that Mr. Ali already had been on the radar of the UK’s counter-terrorism apparatus: more

15 Comments on Suspect arrested for assassinating Brit MP is finally named by police, but the New York Times won’t print his name: Ali Harbi Ali

  1. …”the name of the

    suspect arrested at the scene has been released.”

    Okay, you had me going there for a second.

    Really, I wouldn’t put it past them. Would you? I mean, Amess was a conservative, after all.

  2. I don’t know about all of you, but I’m fucking sick of these
    Sredni Vashtar acolytes.

    “Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.” Saki

    Of course Sredni was a polecat ferret, but that’s actually a step above Muhammed.

  3. Don’t believe for a minute his parents and relatives are shocked, SHOCKED, that their little bi bi is capable of such horrors. They’re in it up to their hairy armpits too, and woe be to anybody that thinks otherwise.

  4. the NYT should have been on trial at Nuremberg.

    “The result: The New York Times was in touch with European Jews’ suffering, which accounts for its 1,000-plus stories on the Final Solution’s steady progress. Yet, it deliberately de-emphasized the Holocaust news, reporting it in isolated, inside stories. The few hundred words about the Nazi genocide the Times published every couple days were hard to find amidst a million other words in the newspaper. Times readers could legitimately have claimed not to have known, or at least not to have understood, what was happening to the Jews.

    The Times’s judgment that the murder of millions of Jews was a relatively unimportant story also reverberated among other journalists trying to assess the news, among Jewish groups trying to arouse public opinion, and among government leaders trying to decide on an American response. It partly explains the general apathy and inaction that greeted the news of the Holocaust.”

    “Missed” not missed. These bastards were complicit.


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