Suspected bank burglar drops from drive-thru ceiling into recycle bin – IOTW Report

Suspected bank burglar drops from drive-thru ceiling into recycle bin


A man in Ohio was arrested after Huron police caught him on body camera dropping from a bank’s drive-thru ceiling into a recycling bin.

Just after 2:00 a.m., dispatch received a call about an alarm going off at the VacationLand Federal Credit Union. Once officers arrived to the scene, they searched the outside of the bank looking for anything — or anyone — suspicious, they said.

Body camera footage released by the Huron Police Department shows officers investigating high and low — until they reportedly heard strange noises coming from the bank’s drive-thru area. MORE

13 Comments on Suspected bank burglar drops from drive-thru ceiling into recycle bin

  1. That was an easy arrest! 😁👍🏻

    My partner and responded on an burglary alarm one night; don’t recall the kind of business, but we checked all points of access and nothing looked damaged and was locked up so we went onto the roof and found the burglar stuck inside the air duct. 😁 Had dispatch call and wake up the firefighters who responded and had to cut the dumbass out of the duct so we could take him to jail.

  2. I need more than one hand at least to count how many times I’ve read or seen/heard a story about someone being stuck in a chimney.

    And they don’t always find them alive.

  3. Benito, love you back! Lol! I’ve never met any cowgirls or cowboys that are not conservatives! A lot of regular horse people around where I live are though. Usually the English riding types.

    Brad, you forgot “pig hunter”. 😂🐗

  4. Conservative Cowgirl AT 9:51 PM

    …never had a chimney arrest, but as an FF we git called to a scene where a person was trying to move out at 3AM to avoid paying for anything and miscalculated his rental truck in the dark, pulling a large metal pole parking structure down on himself and dozens of cars, trapping himself and accomplice since the doors were blocked on the cab and there was no pass-thru to the trailer. Gotta admit it was a little different cutting folks out with officers pulled up in close guard positions in case the folks were healthy and tried to run, a little extra care to make sure we didn’t drop or eject anything onto the unhelmeted, unleathered, unsteeltoed police officers.

    But as usual, when they could see again once we removed parts of the erstwile roof the largely undamaged denizens of the crushed cab observed the semicircle of grim faces with shiny sheilds and elected to feign injuries to win a trip to the hospital instead of the jail, to delay the inevitable as long as they could and. increase the bill to the taxpayers as much as they could.

    It can be awkward to treat a guy cuffed to a cot rail, but the trailing officers (protocol at the time being that they NOT ride along for some reason) insisted. No big tho since they were litttle more than scratched.

    The ride-along prohibition may have been intentional tho, because folks get chatty if they think they’re in danger and there’s no LEO around. Seems they saw a lot of stuff on cop shows about doctor/patient confidentiality.

    …too bad for them that we weren’t doctors…


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