Suspects use sledgehammers in smash-and-grab robbery at California jewelry store – IOTW Report

Suspects use sledgehammers in smash-and-grab robbery at California jewelry store

PM: Police are looking for as many as 10 suspects after a group armed with sledgehammers robbed a jewelry store at the Roseville Galleria in Roseville, California, around 12:30 pm on Friday afternoon. The suspects are still at large.

An eyewitness at the scene of the crime described how the intruders, wearing hoodies and face masks, entered the business and threatened the employees, forcing them to stand down as they rummaged through the store’s goods.

One of the armed robbers brandished a firearm as the accomplices continued to rob the establishment, destroy the store’s cases, and steal the merchandise. read more

28 Comments on Suspects use sledgehammers in smash-and-grab robbery at California jewelry store

  1. “There’s a number of charges they could face,” Baquera told the local outlet. “Organized retail crime theft is certainly one. They obviously worked in a coordinated fashion to hit this store.”

    Wow, this guy’s a regular columbo. How about armed robbery, genius?

  2. No worries. Jerome Powell says we have high inflation because the economy is STRONG, so stay calm about the chaos, killings, fentanyl deaths, border disaster, terrorism threat, Putin on a roll, to be followed by Xi in Taiwan, no oil production, trillions of bullshit spending, increased taxes, less freedom, fraudulent elections with no fix, feckless Republicans, etc…..

    All is well, relax, we will soon be rolling in the moolah, fattening the calf.

    Things are great.

  3. @Care to comment Bad_Brad?


  4. @RogerF

    Roseville is not LA or SF, I bet they have a no-nonsense DA and chief of police that take shit like this personally. If there are any leads at all, somebody is going to prison.

  5. Rich – I hope you are right, but it is awfully close to Sac town. Let’s see where it goes. $1 on the winner? Whoever does, I will ask BFH to get the winner his money 🙂

  6. The mall security guards were probably watching it go down on the security monitors while hiding in the office and thinking, “I’m not going out there…”
    Why risk your life trying to stop a crime that perps will walk from 15 minutes after booking with NO BOND!

  7. so you are telling me they can narrow it down to between 16-22 year old males but not perhaps the race? how interesting. how do they know they are males? perhaps they are transgender? keep on lying

  8. Some years back, I used to go to a KFC in the ‘bad’ part of town. After dark they lowered this 3in thick Lexan wall over the counter. You ordered through a little metal grill, payed through a slot and picked up your order through a turntable. Just the price you paid for doing business in that neighborhood.

  9. “Roseville is not LA or SF, I bet they have a no-nonsense DA and chief of police that take shit like this personally. If there are any leads at all, somebody is going to prison.”

    Exactly right Rich. As a matter of fact Sac County has a killer DA. That mall is the closest one to us. Owned by Westfield property management. They’re one of the few malls that don’t have “No Gun” stickers posted all over hell in back. That Mall Services my county, where when your born they give you a Glock, Placer County, same attitude on guns, and the North Valley. Even worse. Bottom line, good guys with guns are prolific in that mall. This has been happening a LOT there. It’s only a matter of time until young blood gets his ass shot off.

  10. :me remembering a few months ago during the last Cali smash and grab when they looted a Home Depot of sledgehammers:

    Nah, probably not related.

    MARCH 6, 2022 AT 8:39 PM

    🔔 🔔🔔 and the winner is….BENITO! to be the first BB fan girl to rush the battlefield to guard his honor!

    1) it’s nunya biz what handle anyone uses. How about posting your legal name big guy?
    2) was this addressed to BENITO?
    3) let BB answer himself if he chooses. Obviously you’ve been around here long enough to know BB is more than capable engaging when anyone says something that threatens his “machismo” sensibilities.

    Seems “unnatural” a grown man (woman?) chimes in when you feel an “anonymous poster” (ie, uses a handle v real name BENITO!) is being mean to your girl-frand.

  12. It seems the dude? above wants to deflect from the fact that negroes are almost always involved in these smash & grabs.
    Why bring Brad into it?
    I’m certain Brad isn’t the DA letting Did-do-nuthin brothas go free, regardless of their heinous crimes.

    At least the asshole chose a screen name, be it fucking retarded and ridiculous.
    Oh well, progress?

  13. LocoBlancoSaltine
    MARCH 7, 2022 AT 4:37 AM

    Oh lookie, another bb fan girl.
    Look you assholes, this has nothing, nada, zilch to
    Do with the smash and grab. Did I insinuate it did? Nope just posted “in other Cali news”.

    Look at the date of the “incident”. Has nothing to do with y’all dopes. But IF BB chose to respond, HE knows what it’s in reference to.

    So butt out, the whole lot of ya. It’s so embarrassing the way a hand full of you feel the need to jump in to defend BB. Mean girls…all of you.

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