Suspicious Activity – IOTW Report

Suspicious Activity


As the evidence for at least an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden keeps pouring in, our friends at Twitchy highlighted another example: the suspicious activity reports (SARs) from six banks, to the tune of 170, in fact. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and co-host Ben Ferguson discussed these reports on their podcast with House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) as their guest. Not only has Comer been looking into the Biden family as part of fulfilling promises to the American people, he already is familiar with SARs, since, as he told Cruz, he was the director of a bank. More

17 Comments on Suspicious Activity

  1. And the fact that the DOJ and SEC (and whoever else goes after these things) aren’t interested is stunning – absolute proof, if any were needed, that the government is thoroughly corrupt.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. 170 SARS? I know an Aerospace manufacturer that got one on a corporate account and had the FEDS crawling up their wazoo for over a year. It was a progress payment for a military contract. Cost them over 100k defending themselves.

  3. “This evidence is supported by hundreds of thousands of emails, tens of thousands of text messages, photographs, audio recordings, calendar statements, and ten years of data from Hunter Biden’s laptop…”

    And yet brain dead idiots like “Anonymous “ will scream that there is no evidence and all this is made up. SMH

  4. Billions of made up/fake emails, sure there is. Photographs, you mean the porno on Hunter’s laptop, the stuff wet dreams are made out of. Brain dead, they don’t have brain to begin with.

  5. Whilst perusing the linked timeline, I imagined a Secret Service agent looking like the love child of Sean Connery and Jon Hamm, (we live in interesting times,) reading said timeline and cleaning his firearm in his shitty-shabby apartment — said agent being scheduled to protect Joe, Hunter, Jill, and Kamala at some point on the morrow …

  6. Annon. would you bank with a deposit taking institution who was taken in by fake e-mails or documents? Do you really think outfits like Wells Fargo, Bank of America or JP Morgan can be fooled into flagging perfectly legitimate transactions as suspicious?

    I can’t take anything you say as credible and I will respond to you on that basis.

  7. I just read the SARs from JP Morgan warning several times of human trafficking habits and signals. Apparently your $600 movement is more important to Treasury.

  8. what is most concerning is the suspicious in-activity related to the suspicious activity.

    just another facet of that little gem we’re being sold as ‘bidenomics’
    if we can’t have gas stoves, they can’t have gaslights

  9. SAR’s enable the banks to launder money for the cartels on this side of the border.

    “We received cash deposits for Senior Guzman in the amount of $165 million comprised of two trailer loads of used US bills, this seems sketch, so we’re reporting this activity.”

    “Thank you for notifying the US Government. We are so advised. Please process this deposit and get this money back into circulation.”

    Fucked up as that sounds, it goes on every day pretty much verbatim of what I wrote. Chase, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, they all do this.

  10. This shit kills me.
    I went to the bank yesterday and after having to prove who the hell I was 10 times over, they treat me with utmost suspicion TO GET MY!!! FUCKING MONEY!

    Yet the biden’s* launder more $$$ in these banks than a Chinese Laundromat in Chinatown…

  11. “MY!!! FUCKING MONEY!”

    LOL, I’ve heard this argument why you are not entitled to your dollar bills from Libtards through out the 90’s until now. Back in the 90’s they were the lunatic fringe. Now I’ve hear elected officials repeating this bull shit. “It say U.S. Currency on it which means the U.S. Fed Gov owns it and can take it anytime they want”. I’m wondering how that will translate into the new digital currency?

  12. They’re not going back far enough. This type of activity didn’t suddenly start when Biden became VP. Shakedowns and influence peddling were probably his father’s specialties as well. It probably goes back further than that.

  13. Do not impeach the MF. It legitimizes his ‘election’. A person in office through non legal means is not entitled to the perquisites of office, including impeachment.


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