Suspicious of the new movie The Reunited States – IOTW Report

Suspicious of the new movie The Reunited States

It’s from Van Jones and Meghan McCain.


Why does every film about “unification” and “healing” feel as if the onus is on principled conservatives to give up their beliefs and their wallets?

Too cynical?

When did “unification” ever start with a conversation about the demographics of violent crime, illiteracy and welfare?

It’s always about the “reeducation of non-people of color.”

I will keep an open mind about this film, but, I doubt it’s any different than any other lecturing, ill-aimed, borefest.

19 Comments on Suspicious of the new movie The Reunited States

  1. forget the movie. instead read kurt schlicter’s fiction (more like reality) series starting with the People’s Republic. Solid writer, great action, factually excellent, and it pretty much lays out in its story line where we’re headed.

  2. Meghan McCain was never a conservative and her bs is killing her hubby’s Federalist. Makes me wonder about him too.
    If he were a real conservative he would not have gone along with this sappy, brain washing, leftist crap.
    If Van Jones, and admitted commie, is involved you know it’s leftist propaganda and they’ll blame the so-called division on conservatives because you know liberals yelling at real Republicans in the halls of Congress and burning cities is love.

  3. The same pieces of shit who divided us along racial lines the moment 0bama took office, who stood by as we were and are still cast as the worst form of evil….now present for us a feel-good film project so they can just put it all behind them.

    Not interested.

  4. Anonymous
    JANUARY 31, 2021 AT 12:23 PM
    “She does seem like a mudshark.”

    …he’s a rich, powerful, well known Black man.

    Frankly, I’m pretty sure he can do BETTER than …Megan McCain for THAT purpose, if THAT’S the way he lays…

  5. The liberals will cry and wet their diapers over this movie. But real Americans will ignore it as a farce. Let the liberals give up their murderous ways and utopian fantasies if they want to be friends.


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