Suspicious Packages Addressed to Joe Biden Intercepted in Delaware – With Postage Due – IOTW Report

Suspicious Packages Addressed to Joe Biden Intercepted in Delaware – With Postage Due

Law enforcement officials said Thursday morning that two suspicious packages intercepted at a Delaware mail facility addressed to former Vice President Joe Biden contained similar explosive devices to those sent to other leading Democrat Party figures, according to reports.  – More at Breitbart.

SNIP: The postage due package for Biden made me laugh.
I like how they were nice enough to do the math for Joe.

31 Comments on Suspicious Packages Addressed to Joe Biden Intercepted in Delaware – With Postage Due

  1. Yep. What Uncle Al said.

    And I’m actually getting bored with this. When they catch the moron, he’s going to get (deservedly) jail time. If it’s a lefty, you’ll hear no more about it. If it’s a white hispanic…

    I still think it’s Comey. LOL.

  2. I’m still trying to figure out how Uncle Joe knew he was going to receive a package? Did the bomber send someone a list? Or did someone in the plot make the mistake of letting Joe in on it, and he just couldn’t contain himself? Joe has a long history of “spilling the beans”.

  3. I was at FedEx last week, I needed to overnight 2 sheets of paper. Of which I had each in my hand with no envelope. The lady said she could do it all right there, no forms for me to fill out.


    So then she says she needed to see my identification. I’m like, yeah, so this one is going here and this one is going there, pointing at two different addresses.

    She says again that she needed to see my identification. I’m like, for what? She says it’s a new policy and points to a sign. I’m like, I’ve never heard of such a thing. She said it was something to do about bombs. I’m like, bitch, it’s two fcuking pieces of paper and you’re giving me the fcuking envelopes!


  4. I suspect it was a postal employee. It is the only way to get items like this into the mail system without a postmark. None of the packages have had their stamps canceled. When dropping a package at the post office or in a drop box, as that package is handled, the stamps will be canceled in the originating location. I suspect some disgruntled antifa person who’s mother told him to cut his hair and get a job who is now working at the post office. Brought them to work and slipped these into an outgoing mail bin that was full of letters and parcels which were already processed/stamps canceled. They would not be postmarked and would ride the system to their destination. I don’t buy the whole delivered by courier thing. That requires human interaction and payment. People remember things like that. Have any of the couriers come forward to say they delivered the package??

  5. saidbadthesinner – Yes, plus the other thing I noticed is that the same postage was put on the Brennan (CNN) package. No postal marks to cancel out the stamps. Also the other issue is that they used 6 stamps. Even at .50 cents each, that comes out to $3.00, the cheapest parcel package starts at $3.50. Assuming every package was made out like that, they should all have been marked postage due.

    That’s my tip off this is a false flag because lets say somebody really wanted to send pipe bombs to targets with intention to do as much damage as possible. If you were, you would make sure you had the proper postage on there. Plus using a fictitious return address and not something as blatant as Debbie Wasshername. These were purposely made to be discovered.

    Also where is the video from the Soros home on who put the package in his mail box? No way any rich old white dude worth billions does not have state of the art security and surveillance cameras watching every square inch of his home(s).

  6. No post date, no danger of taking a camera phone picture of said ‘bomb’…
    And the left has LOUDLY said that they’re ‘afraid’ of copycats.

    More like they desperately want copycats and made this whole damn thing up to try and incite someone into sending them a real bomb.


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