Criminal Conviction of Woman Stating Muhammad Was a Pedophile is Upheld by European Court of Human Rights – IOTW Report

Criminal Conviction of Woman Stating Muhammad Was a Pedophile is Upheld by European Court of Human Rights

Islamic law is now European law. One must not insult the prophet Muhammad.



The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled Thursday that an Austrian woman’s criminal conviction and fine for her statements accusing the Prophet Muhammad of pedophilia did not breach her right to free speech.

The decision by a seven-judge panel came as an Austrian national identified as E.S. by the court, had held seminars on Islam in 2008 and 2009 for the far-right Freedom Party (FPO) where she discussed the prophet’s marriage to his wife Aisha, a child at the time, and implied that he was a pedophile.

An Austrian court convicted her of disparaging religious doctrines in 2011 and fined her 480 euros (548 dollars), a judgment that was upheld on two appeals.

Stating that the court had found that “the applicant’s statements had been likely to arouse justified indignation in Muslims” and “amounted to a generalization without factual basis”, the Strasbourg-based ECtHR said that the woman’s comments could not be covered by the freedom of expression.

The court said it “found in particular that the domestic courts comprehensively assessed the wider context of the applicant’s statements and carefully balanced her right to freedom of expression with the right of others to have their religious feelings protected, and served the legitimate aim of preserving religious peace in Austria.”


21 Comments on Criminal Conviction of Woman Stating Muhammad Was a Pedophile is Upheld by European Court of Human Rights

  1. Europe is trying to take over North Africa/Mid East and the latter is following the example and trying to smother and take over Europe.
    Think about this: Why would Europe spend so much effort being nice to islamic nations? They want something. European leaders want land and oil- islam wants slaves.
    When their war comes, let them kill each other. Let’s toss out the UN so we have no ties to any of them.

  2. “Human Rights”… Fuck the EU. This is what decades of pumping narcotics and sin into a society will do. The self-destructive faggots and conquering rag heads took over while everyone was “partying”.

  3. Okay, so maybe we don’t have PROOF that Muhamed was a pedophile. After all, when he was a young man, he married an old woman. (How he got his start.) So maybe he was just an opportunistic conman or all-around generalist sort of pervert.

  4. Is she getting a public whipping? If not why not?

    Is female genital mutilation legal there now? What if a family refuses to do that to their child? Will the state arrest the parents and send the child to a woman with a rusty razor blade?

  5. she was 6 when they married, 9 when they had sex.

    Definition of pedophile : one affected with pedophilia
    Definition of pedophilia : sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object. Specifically : a psychiatric disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a prepubescent child.
    Definition of prepubescent : of, relating to, being in, or occurring in the period of development immediately preceding puberty.
    Definition of puberty
    1 : the condition of being or the period of becoming first capable of reproducing sexually that is brought on by the production of sex hormones and the maturing of the reproductive organs (such as the testes and ovaries), development of secondary sex characteristics (such as male facial hair growth and female breast development), and in humans and the higher primates by the first occurrence of menstruation in the female
    2 : the age at which puberty occurs often construed legally as 14 in boys and 12 in girls.

    she was 9 when they had sex. The eu court is wrong.
    No offense intended, just stating the facts.

  6. Old Testament
    New Testament

    Fast forward

    United States


    Seems like the trend still sustains itself.

    One mind controlling farce built on another.

    Yet, Good vs Evil is BS

  7. There’s a stupid clip with Jeff Daniels in which he goes off about how America used to be free and how other countries are just like us. I don’t buy it. Free speech doesn’t exist outside the United States. Canada has hate-speech laws. The U.K. has the same. Now Europe. Be careful when traveling.

  8. “the right of others to have their religious feelings protected” – is there actually a law in Europe governing the protection of people’s religious **feelings**? Seriously?

  9. I can’t wrap my mind around this bullshit.

    “The Austrian courts had drawn a distinction between pedophilia and child marriage, which was also a common practice historically in European ruling families.”

    So what? Condemn that as well, Europeans and Americans acknowledge it was done and don’t give a damn if people criticize it. They themselves often find it distasteful. This “But we did it, too!” portion is infantile smoke and mirrors, especially with that so-called “distinction.” An adult having sex with a child is pedophilia no matter how you whitewash it, and marriage doesn’t make it all better.

    “The ECtHR also underlined that it classified the ‘impugned’ statements as ‘an abusive attack on the Prophet of Islam, which was capable of stirring up prejudice and putting at risk religious peace.'”

    How the hell is it capable of putting at risk religious peace? What’s risking religious peace is not the statement, but the people who fail to control themselves when someone says something about their religion they don’t like. Prohibiting people from doing things in order to control “passions” is not a justifiable way to run a society, because it lays the responsibility for controlling criminal behavior on the shoulders of potential victims, not those who are likely to *make* them the victims. Why not just punish the potential perps ahead of time, before they bomb a metro station? Makes no sense? No, it doesn’t – and neither does punishing people for saying something that might piss people off and react in a criminal manner.

    “It noted that the Austrian courts had held that ES was making value judgments partly based on untrue facts and without regard to the historical context.”

    What the fuck are “untrue facts”? And historical context is EVERYTHING in this case, because Muslims today use Mohammad as a model of human behavior. It may not have been considered pedophile behavior then for a grown man to have sex with a nine-year-old girl (whatever, but I’ll give it the sickening benefit of the doubt), but it most certainly is today. The so-called “contexts” cannot reconcile with each other, and I’d wager the defendant was making this point as well, and this is WHY she made the statements about Mohammad that she did – though many Muslims blatantly ignore this every day, just as did this fascist court of appeals.

  10. It is my religious feeling that followers of any religion who enforce their religion’s laws on people NOT of their religion ought to be killed. OK, protect THAT religious feeling now, too, you traitors to western civilization.

  11. Let me get this straight

    A court of “human rights” just said it’s A-OK to fine a live human being for speaking the truth about a person who died 1385 years ago … who, BTW once ordered the beheading of 800 Jewish males

  12. Somehow, I don’t think that claiming I am the prophet Wyatt just hanging around an elementary school with candy would be any sort of defense to the inevitable endangering minors charges.


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