Swalwell Abusing “Proxy Letter” To Skip Out on Congress – IOTW Report

Swalwell Abusing “Proxy Letter” To Skip Out on Congress

Red State

“Dem Eric Swalwell, who has submitted the 2nd-highest number of ‘I am unable to physically attend proceedings in the House Chamber due to the ongoing public health emergency’ proxy letters, spent $250K+ on travel & car service in the 1st 9 months of the year,” [Rob] Pyers [Research Director for California Target Book] said. More

5 Comments on Swalwell Abusing “Proxy Letter” To Skip Out on Congress

  1. Doesn’t matter for any of them anyway.

    They vote with Nasty Nancy 100% of the time anyway.

    May as well let her cast their vote, its basically just cutting out the useless middleman.


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