Swarms of possibly thousands illegal aliens have gathered outside New York City Hall for a meeting centered on their experiences – IOTW Report

Swarms of possibly thousands illegal aliens have gathered outside New York City Hall for a meeting centered on their experiences

They’re pissed they took them out of the fancy hotels and put them in shelters.

12 Comments on Swarms of possibly thousands illegal aliens have gathered outside New York City Hall for a meeting centered on their experiences

  1. ^^^^ OH NO! Not Snake Plisskens.
    BTW= At some point they will show up at your door
    or on your property.It will be a fight to the death
    for your home-food-belongings.

  2. LOL, While I was ready for work this morning I had Gunsmoke playing on the tube. The episode with Kurt Russel and his mother was a drunk prostitute. Yea that one. 1959. How many movies and TV appearances do you think the guys made. And he still came out the other end as some what of a conservative.

  3. I have the same question as with the rioters,
    “How many of you took time off work, to be here today”.
    Answer 0
    Maybe the cartels will give their money back, or a free ride home.

  4. Load them into boxcars and ship them to Ft Bliss. Once they arrive, they get biometrically processed and told that if they are caught entering the US again it will be a capitol crime. Bus them across the border and dump them out regardless of their country of origin.

  5. While they have the place surrounded, they should pull every politician out and hang them and then burn the building to the ground. Then we could call them an improvement.


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