Sweaty Thumb Better Get Used To Writing These “Eating Crow” Columns – IOTW Report

Sweaty Thumb Better Get Used To Writing These “Eating Crow” Columns

From the Regurgent-

Donald Trump has removed Chris Christie from heading his transition team and replaced him with Vice President-elect Mike Pence. Everyone, regardless of ideology or party, should be encouraged by the very first action Mike Pence took. He ordered all lobbyists off the transition team.

The moment Trump won a bunch of Republican lobbyists started circling like vultures and the Christie led transition team opened the doors to them. Not so with Pence. Pence, you will recall, was a leader in the fight against earmarks in Congress. He is a stalwart conservative and knows lobbyists help grow the federal government.

This is a refreshing and encouraging move. – Erick Erickson

ht/ annie


19 Comments on Sweaty Thumb Better Get Used To Writing These “Eating Crow” Columns

  1. Glenn Beck tried to come back into the fold initially. Said he’d call Trump and congratulate him etc. and a few days later he was back on Bannon is a white supremacist, be afraid. I doubt Erickson will be able to ever fully reform himself from his TDS.

  2. Guess those big ad buys and other site support is starting to dry up huh Thumb?

    I have an idea, why not invite Trump to your next big “conservative” get together? Yaknow, the one you disinvited him to last spring. I’ll bet this year you’ll be able to hold it in a phone booth.

  3. The chickens are coming home but should not find it easy to roost.
    In NRO today David French battered both Trump and Hillary with equal aplomb. Eat crow David, “you’ll grow to like it,” as my mother used to say when she put cod liver oil in the mashed potatoes.

  4. Sweaty started his show today laughing at people openly seeking jobs with the Trump administration. Expecially those who went on Fox to do it. He was audibly smug as he sniffed about how embarrassing and unseemly it was, as if he wouldn’t be up there throwing elbows himself if he’d been smart enough to back Trump.

    And when he took off a couple of days last week, his guest hosts were quick to throw cold water on Reddit rumors of his imminent departure from the airwaves. We shall see.

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