Powerline:  In January, Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom accused Israel of “extrajudicial executions” of Palestinians–apparently those who were in the act of perpetrating terrorist attacks–and called for an investigation.


Yesterday, Sweden’s housing minister, Mehmet Kaplan, resigned after video emerged of him saying that “Israelis treat Palestinians in a way that is very like that in which Jews were treated during Germany in the 1930s.”

To cap off the trifecta, earlier today Sweden’s Deputy Prime Minister, Åsa Romson, came under fire for her comments on Kaplan’s resignation:  more here




  1. Bare Nake Islam had a piece about all the Islamic men in Sweden who are posing for the camera with their new “girl friends” who are 6,7,8 and 9 years old.

    Sweden really needs to focus on their own problems and realize putting down rabid men is maybe not a bad thing.

  2. Hey VietVet and Anonymous, I’m having the same issues with IE-11, it crashes constantly on this site. And like you Anonymous, I’ve found that Firefox works just fine. I don’t have Safari and I refuse to use Chrome. If Firefox stops working I guess I’ll just have to stop visiting IOTW which will suck.

  3. @Anonymous and Chance: I used to have Firefox on my machine (I never used it; my daughter installed it for some reason or other). However, I had to get rid of it because it started causing problems. It’s been a while and I don’t remember exactly what the issue was, but I’ve been a little leery of putting it back on since then.

  4. Incidentally, I found out how to get IE to work here (I’m on IE now). I managed to get into IOTWR long enough to turn on Windows Tracking Protection before crashing this time, and now everything runs slicker than – well, I’ll leave out the comparison. Some videos will be unavailable, probably, but hey – that’s BTN.

    What that tells me is that there’s nothing wrong with the website itself. It has to be something in all the adware/malware/Tupperware/godknowswhatorwhere that’s attached itself to this site. As soon as I stop blocking that stuff, kaboom! – IE goes down.

    Just FYI.


  5. @Diogenes: Not sure what you are saying here, but if the implication is that my IE is not up to date, let me assure you that all my MS updates are applied as soon as they are available. In fact, I don’t even have any choice in the matter. So I’m pretty sure I’m current.

    If, however, you are saying that IE is a hunk of junk, then:

    A. you wouldn’t be the first to tell me that,


    B. you might be right.

    Nonetheless, we old dinosaurs tend to stick with what we know best. You should see my vinyl record collection.


    P.S. – I’ll take a look at Vivaldi when I get time. No promises, though.

  6. Thanks, Callie. Actually, I never had these kinds of problems with IE before this, but you guys may actually get the old dino moving to check out some new browsers here. Thanks for all the suggestions. I will look into them. Seriously.


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