Swedes tell Britain: if you leave the EU, we’ll follow – IOTW Report

Swedes tell Britain: if you leave the EU, we’ll follow

Spectator UK: If Britain were to leave the European Union, would it survive? Britain is one of the least enthusiastic members of the EU,


but other more globally-minded countries are tiring of the protectionism and insularity in Brussels. Reformers in Sweden are aghast at the prospect of Brexit, seeing Britain as their main ally in trying to fight off protectionism (a recent study found an 89pc alignment of our interests, 88pc with the Dutch and Danes). But as many in Britain come to conclude that this fight is lost, and we’re better off out, many Swedes are coming to the same conclusion. more

3 Comments on Swedes tell Britain: if you leave the EU, we’ll follow

  1. It’s too late for Sweden…they’re circling the drain. Probably too late for Britain as well. Heck, Western Eurooe is toast, IMO. Hopefully, America will not soon follow, but if we keep electing cultural Marxists who pander to the lowest common denominator, we’ll be destroyed.

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