Swedish Ex PM Tells Bernie Socialism Sucks – IOTW Report

Swedish Ex PM Tells Bernie Socialism Sucks


Swedish Ex-Prime Minister Rebukes Bernie: Socialism Only Destroys

03/04/2019Alice Salles

Socialism never stopped enticing young American minds. But the more Democratic Socialists such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez open their mouths, we learn the movement’s most vocal proponents simply ignore socialism’s incompatibility with democracy, as demonstrated by Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises in A Critique of Interventionism . Sen. Bernie Sanders is one of them.

With the Vermont senator announcing he’s running for president, his past comments defending socialism and socialist countries notorious for their failures become the type of material critics are eager to dissect. Especially because he still calls himself a Democratic Socialist while using Nordic countries as examples of what he defends.

Thankfully, political figures from the very countries the good senator from Vermont calls “socialist” are here to remind him that the ideology is nothing but a trap. read more

h/t Dan Bongino

7 Comments on Swedish Ex PM Tells Bernie Socialism Sucks

  1. “Socialism” is just the come-on sweetener for one of the planet’s biggest Bait & Switch scams! After all the bounty from the productivity of a free enterprise system is picked clean and stripped bare, what’s left is the absolute, stark, naked, raw brutality of Communism and a collective society of Leftoid moonbats sitting around a 50 gallon drum-fire roasting rats, eating sustainable algae cakes and picking parasites off each other!


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