Swedish health officials: Face masks ‘do not provide any greater protection to the population’ – IOTW Report

Swedish health officials: Face masks ‘do not provide any greater protection to the population’

In other words, “there isn’t any proof that they do dick all.”


“A face mask may help reduce the spread of infection in the community by minimizing the excretion of respiratory droplets from infected individuals who may not even know they are infected and before they develop any symptoms,” says guidance from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, the continent’s equivalent of the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which also recommends face masks in public.

The agencies have to include the caveat “may help” because, again, they don’t know whether masks will or will not help.

That doesn’t matter to Leftist mayors and governors, though, who are forcing their citizens to wear masks in public, lest they be fined or arrested. They claim they are merely “following the science,” but there is no science to support their policy.


11 Comments on Swedish health officials: Face masks ‘do not provide any greater protection to the population’

  1. just like the jews wore yellow stars to identify them to the population and the nazi’s, the masks identify to our government nazi’s those in the population that are easy to control.

    it’s no different than wearing the yellow star.

    put on a mask and identify yourself as a mindless sheep.

    i have to laugh at the people wearing mask in their car when driving.

  2. The Obama cough was our sugar pill for H1N1. “Cough into your elbow. Get back to work. Everything will be fine.”

    We need a stronger sugar pill to offset the fevered hysteria and paralyzing fear the media and our leaders have ginned up. We need to get past the fear. Let the placebo do its thing. Wear the mask. It might even actually help a little, unlike the Obama cough.

    Don’t wear them too long before washing or tossing.

  3. ^^^ Just remember, when you have yer head up yer ass, the higher you go the darker it gets! Bela Pelosi is as high as it gets in the DNC…
    that crazy bitch is in a pretty damn, dark place!!

  4. I know.
    I know. Probably as sick of reading it as I am of typing it – but – here goes:



    A separate air (oxygen) supply is necessary for isolation.
    This whole masquerade (ha ha) is play-pretend.

    Drooling in your elbow, wearing a dust mask, standing 6′ from some slap-head whose stank ass odor reaches you (implying that his virus-laden breath does, too), to re-cycled air from the AC units, from water supplies the guys piss in, to the chops you picked up from the butcher’s section which some sweaty dude wearing a dusk mask dripped on.

    C’mon. Really?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. They’re supposed to slow the spread of the disease, not prevent it. It isn’t intended to reduce the final overall numbers, just slow them down until a possible vaccine is found.

    That’s to give some degree of relief to our overwhelmed hospitals and emergency medical facilities, so they can handle the numbers in an orderly fashion.

    The proof they work is the lack of patients, especially emergency room patients, in our hospitals. They even seem to be decreasing the numbers of heart attack and stroke victims our emergency rooms are seeing, and added and unexpected side benefit.

  6. I’m glad we flattened the curve enough…..

    That they’ve found enough time to produce, edit, and release all those tiktok dance videos…..

    while furloughing so much non-essential staff.

  7. Masks are mostly effective at degrading people. I almost hope Fauci recommends Cones of Shame for everybody, just to see who wears them and who brings the tar & feathers.

  8. “Although it is counter-intuitive that particle sizes of less than 0.3 μm are filtered with a greater efficiency, the forces which have the greatest impact on the effectiveness of filtration (aerosol impaction, interception, and diffusion) are weakest at this size for filters tested by NIOSH.[7] A filter’s collection efficiency for particle sizes other than those for which it is least efficient is indicated by the filter’s efficiency curve.”

    “Filter material may be made of microfibers with an electrostatic charge; that is, the fibers are electrets. An electret filter increases the chances that smaller particles will veer and hit a fiber, rather than going straight through (electrostatic capture)

    –Small particles zigzag due to Brownian motion, and are easily captured. Large particles get strained out, or have too much inertia to turn, and hit a fiber. Mid-size particles follow flowlines and are more likely to get through the filter; the hardest size to filter is 0.3 microns diameter.”

    Failure to take a common sense protective measure to protect ourselves EMPOWERS the fascists who will want to micromanage us. If the at risk people had protected themselves by staying home more (elderly retired), we may have avoided the disastrous shutdown of so many jobs – a disaster for working people.

    Ridiculing masks is a mistake – we should instead be madder than hell at the (D)irtbag politicians who have destroyed our ability to produce such things. By joining the ‘masks don’t help’ crowd, you let the lying axhats off the hook – the authorities lied about masks being useless out of embarrassment because there weren’t enough of them (while talking about EVERYONE wearing one, rather than just the at-risk people – a real perfect-being-the-enemy-of-the-good), then they insulted US by saying we are too stupid to use them anyway.

    RTFM is important for respiratory protection use, to make sure you get the right filter. N95s are usually a 2$ item , should not be a big deal.

  9. Refusing to protect ourselves puts us on the same side as the asshats on the left, who were calling Trump racist for blocking flights from China and telling people to enjoy the Chinese new year in NYC. And got an excuse to crater the economy in an election year.

    If you don’t want to protect yourself, fine – who cares, other than the fascist axhats always needing a crisis to seize power. Just don’t act like you deserve a ‘macho medal of freedom’ for carelessly neutering the economy, so important to the young working class people.

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