Swedish Students Need Music To Drown Out the Sounds of Their “Bathroom Activities”- So Says a Politician – IOTW Report

Swedish Students Need Music To Drown Out the Sounds of Their “Bathroom Activities”- So Says a Politician

Cecilia Cato says she had the same problem in school. She had stage fright, horrified at the thought of bouncing one off the ceramic tiles, like a tuba player clearing the valves.

So she says they should pipe loud music into the bathroom to provide cover.

I’m not kidding.

The original author of the article, comically, suggested the song Waterloo. Nice attempt, but they need to leave it to the pros, and by pros I mean the commenters of iOTWreport.com.

My suggestion doesn’t seem like much in the way of a pun, but I think you’ll understand why I chose this song after you see the video. I chose it because it would be a bad song.

I suggest the song Good Lovin’ — > video


Story HERE

ht/ fdr in hell

30 Comments on Swedish Students Need Music To Drown Out the Sounds of Their “Bathroom Activities”- So Says a Politician

  1. So I was in the stall. And I just started on the baked potato diet. No butter, no sour cream, just baked potato. So I feel bloated and am farting like crazy. I am farting for so long it starts to make me laugh. Then my farts start to coincide with my chuckles. Which makes me laugh more.

    When I exit the stall I am confronted with my Indian born coworker. He asks, “what was so funny”?
    They don’t get it.

  2. Naw, even the swedes don’t like Yngwie Malmsteen anymore. really! i know, they’re my peeps.

    that’s why he’s always over here playing micro mini venues.

    He’s like a majorette in a baton twirling contest and twirls so fast you can’t see the baton and are always wondering if it’s really there or not. and it’s not.

    not many followers on twitter either

    just like this guy to

    and this guy

    the winds of change are blowing the lights out in london and they’ve hit rock bottom because they let the disciples of hell into their land of confusion.

    had to throw Phil Collins in there.

  3. I Poop at Home by George Thorogood

    I poop at Home, yeah,
    With nobody else
    I poop at home, yeah,
    With nobody else
    You know when I poop at home,
    I prefer to be by myself
    Every morning just before breakfast,
    right after my coffee
    Just me and two rolls of toilet paper,
    That’s all I ever need
    ‘Cause I poop at home, yeah,
    With nobody else

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