Swiss Army Knife – IOTW Report

Swiss Army Knife


The maker of the Swiss Army Knife is working on a new version of the classic multi-tool, which won’t have a blade.

“We are in the early stages of developing pocket tools without blades,” a spokesperson for Swiss firm Victorinox told CNN in a statement Tuesday, adding that they will compliment the existing range of multi-tools rather than replacing them.

“With innovation at the core of our brand, we are constantly listening to our consumers and their needs; and acknowledge that there is an appetite for the functionality, versatility, and craftsmanship the Swiss Army Knife is known for in more specialized fields and situations,” said the spokesperson.

CNN contacted Victorinox after company CEO Carl Elsener Jr. told Swiss media outlet Blick that he is concerned about increasingly stringent regulations on knives in many markets.

For example, increasing concern over the prevalence of knife crime means that the British government is considering new legislation on bladed articles, and Elsener himself referenced the country’s rules.

“In England or certain Asian countries, you are sometimes only allowed to carry a knife if you need to have it to do your job or operate outdoors,” said Elsener. “In the city, however, when you go to school, to the cinema, or to go shopping, carrying pocketknives is severely restricted.”

Elsener cited the fact that knives are seen as weapons rather than tools in some countries, and revealed that the company is working on new tools for specific sports or outdoor activities, such as cycling.

“I have a cool tool for cyclists in mind. We already have a tool specifically for golfers in our range,” he said. “Cyclists probably need special tools, but not necessarily a blade.”


I’m working on a hammer with no head. They should sell like hotcakes in blue states.

HT/ Woody

28 Comments on Swiss Army Knife

  1. @BFH — You want another tool that would sell like hotcakes in blue states? A GPS whose route suggestions contain only left turns.”

    They already have it. It’s called NASCAR.

  2. reminds me of japan, home of the samurai. samurai swords are strictly regulated with only a handful of collectors in possession. still craft them too, but not for the people. outlawed. go figure, a country who has harnessed the craft of making swords for over a thousand years.

  3. “With innovation at the core of our brand, we are constantly listening to our consumers and their needs; and acknowledge that there is an appetite for the functionality, versatility, and craftsmanship the Swiss Army Knife….”. Marketing Yakketeer. Always yakking about their stupid brands. They suck.

  4. Beachmom nailed it. But if they mean to compete with other miltitool makers, they really shouldn’t bother. They won’t do it right, anyway.

  5. Over the years I’ve had several Swiss army knives and I’m not a particularly big fan. For one, they are bulky. The auxillary tools are small and difficult to use – if you use them at all. Even the knife was usually too small for general use.

    I do generally carry a pocket knife as they come in handy. But I buy the inexpensive ones because if I loan it to someone and don’t get it back or have to dispose of it, it doesn’t bother me too much. But if I need a corkscrew, bottle opener or scissors, I use real ones.

  6. The British lion no longer has either cock OR balls in any official representation. In London knives cannot have sharp points and beer glasses are reinforced plastic, so’s they can’t be broken and used IN PLACE OF A KNIFE to slash an opponent.

    The Swiss Army neuter form folding multi-non cunting-sorry, did I say cunting? I meant cunting-tool, ready for use by whomever may wish to do some non cutting activity.

    Euro weenie Euro trash. Time for the poor sods to have a stand up, see if there’re any spines left over there in old whiteyland of yore.

  7. Oh, yes, for the bloke what wants a pocket tool, try a Leatherman 300, the original Leatherman I believe, sturdy, excellent warranty and service too. I sent one back that I had broken the file through abuse and one of the locking tabs had snapped off just cuz and they had me a new one out within the week, really surprising,Bo figured it would be some pro rate bologna but nope, not at all. Get one, you’ll love it if you need a pocket tool that works. Pliers, screwdrivers saw awl file, two knife blades, can/bottle opener works pretty well as a hammer too. Great useful tool. No they aren’t paying me but they should, I’ve owned several, abused the crap out of them and they just keep on working.

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