Sydney Powell Releases the Kraken – IOTW Report

Sydney Powell Releases the Kraken

ht/ all too much

35 Comments on Sydney Powell Releases the Kraken

  1. Dayummm…Now I’m wondering if GA SOS Raffensperger got bought by Dominion! He sure is acting like it.

    Et tu, Governor Kemp? I can’t believe you’d sell us down the Savannah. But then, you were the Secretary of State before you were Governor.

  2. God forbid if it looks like Biden and the Whore are going to get sworn in, I hope President Trump declassifies EVERYTHING he can without putting undercover operatives in danger. Go full Tecumseh Sherman with a scorched earth policy. The Left wants to burn it down, then by all means give them what they want and burn it down. They can’t rebuild without our help and I for one would rather sit in the ruins then serve in their version of Hell.

  3. It’s more an election fraud machine than a ballot tabulating system. How did they ever think that they’d get away with fraud on such a massive level.

    It’s almost comical what they’ve tried to do to our elections. Every state with these machines needs a hand recount or their election results will not be accepted by the federal government.

  4. The first time I saw/heard Sydney Powell, I was mightily impressed. Every time I’ve seen/heard her since then, I get more and more impressed.

    There are only a very few heroes (Nunes & Patel are others) in this whole four year resistance/coup real, actual conspiracy world, and she’s one of them.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if the downfall of the plotters were to come about as the result of election fraud?

  5. SOSs and Governors benefited from Dominion?

    This is un-f’ing believable. String these bastards up.

    Raffensperger could be one of them. Why else is a GOP SOS acting this way? Sydney Powell will be on him and the others like a mad dog in a meat market.

  6. From Parler–BREAKING: Congressman Louie Ghomert says that the U.S. Army has seized servers for Dominion in Germany!

    Let’s hope something good comes from this!

  7. I like Sydney Powell, but until I see something real happen I’m not making any bets. We have been play since George Bush said “read my lips”. Only the actors have changed. I do believe in Trump, he’s a one man army but I believe him.

  8. I’d have a lot more confidence if not that General Flynn is still on the hook for a possible prison sentence. No shortage of righteous sound bytes from prominent conservatives, but they’re a tad weak on actual action. The democrats not only shoot their mouths off, they actually do stuff to grab power. GOP… not so much.

  9. I have never given up on Trump winning this election.
    It defied any kind of logic that he would lose, and because he actually is so popular, the fraud and cheating had to be massive to make it appear that Biden won.
    When you cheat big time, you get caught.
    Certainly appears the noose is tightening (Can I still say that? – YES I CAN! – President Trump gave me the extra courage I needed to fight back, along with so many others.)

  10. @Graceia — You’re darned right you can still say that! I’ll go a large step past that, though. There is a big mob of craven corruptocrats that ought to be lynched.

    But only the white ones. The black people in that mob ought to be shot. I’m not sure if they’re used to black people being shot or if they’re simply resigned to it, but it’s one or the other.

  11. @Dan Ryan Galt
    Release it not just on the Russia bullshit, but every single crooked unelected government piece of shit, the crooked Republican Senators, the crooked Republican congressmen, the crooked Republican Governors, every single democrat(they’re all crooked) and every crooked judge, but especially that Sullivan bastard and Roberts. Then show how the NSA spies on every American.

  12. @ Rob Misek – The problem with that video, is that apparently captured vote fraud live on CNN, but not during the 2020 election. Matt Bevin and Andy Beshear election for governor of Ky. was in Nov. 2019. Not 2020.

    It appears to show Andy Beshear (D) successfully stole the election from Matt Bevin (R) in 2019. Perhaps a live training exercise for the 2020 election.

    “Andrew Graham Beshear .. Since December 2019, he has served as the 63rd Governor of Kentucky. ”


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