Sympathy has waned – IOTW Report

Sympathy has waned

Protecting from looters – this can get ugly.

55 Comments on Sympathy has waned

  1. This gives the term, first photo, “order/pick up” a whole new meaning and context…more like “disorder(and chaos)/ steal here”.

    Oooohh the irony these daze…

    They pulled the same shit in LA with Rodney King…nothing changes and ‘the song remains the same.’

  2. I’ve seen several videos and not one has shown the dead guy resisted arrest, so what was done is bullshit and the cop who killed him should be charged with murder and the cops standing around watching should be charged with accessory to murder.
    With that said, how the hell is burning down AutoZone, rioting and robbing stores a protest against police? Cops can arrest business owners for opening their business, arrest moms for taking their kids to parks, but can’t arrest these thugs?

  3. Once again another example of ‘Tyranny of the Minority’! The country is being jerked around by 13% of its population all because they have a different shade of skin and have now achieved super-numeral governmental favored status!

  4. To all the law enforcement haters, when the “employers” of the police loot, pillage, and burn down your neighborhood or store will they then convert from us to them?

    Who stands between you and the chaos of them? The thin blue line that’s who.

    Who you going to call when they come to your door? The policeman and the soldier, that’s who.

    As usual the police and the soldier will be there to protect you from the criminals who run rampant and destroy your city and society with impunity leveraging your personal outrage to excuse their actions.

    Do individual police and soldiers make mistakes in the performance of duty, no doubt tragedies occur, but rarely are those mistakes made in the singularity of one man’s actions.

    Most often it is the attitude of resistance encouraged, aided and abetted by a society that is taught to hate the police and the soldier that leads to the tragedy and the riots you now see.

    More often than not those mistakes by the police are properly addressed and punished appropriately within the rule of law.

    So when you see the police and National Guard Soldier deployed to protect you and your city and maintain your comfortable suburban safety consider their contribution to you and you loved ones…

  5. Of course the dead guy was in mind. The looters want cops to kill unarmed innocent blacks. Can’t loot/riot without it.

    Like scientists that are paid to not understand science.

  6. ā€œWho stands between you and the chaos of them? The thin blue line thatā€™s who.ā€

    Are you kidding me? When the chaos starts that thin blue line gets fucking anorexic. Review the footage of the current chaos, where are the cops in that footage?where were they when Korea Town went down? This shit stops when the citizens stop worrying about being arrested for picking up a gun.

    You seem really confused about exactly who employs your ass.

  7. When seconds count…..

    The police are minutes away…..unless ā€œspicy timesā€ rioting is occurring…..then itā€™s never…..

    You best plan accordingly.

  8. According to witnesses, white customers caught in Target took refuge in the paper products aisle. ā€œIt was like the eye of the hurricane,ā€ one man said. ā€œWe sheltered in place on the empty shelves, and not a single protester came through. One guy almost did, but he saw the One Way arrow and turned back.ā€

  9. According to witnesses, white customers caught in Target took refuge in the paper products aisle. ā€œIt was like the eye of the hurricane,ā€ one man said. ā€œWe sheltered in place on the empty shelves, and not a single protester came through. One guy almost did, but he saw the One Way arrow and turned back.ā€

  10. This George guy picked his poison. Donā€™t do crime! Then just because heā€™s black Im suppose to care about how he was treated? Didnā€™t see on TV the 20yr old black man beat the shit out of an 80yr old. Crickets on that little diddy. When the blacks start rioting over an incident like that Iā€™ll start being more sympathetic. As time goes by Iā€™m becoming hardened and I donā€™t like it but thatā€™s the way it is for now.

  11. FarmWife

    Bull shit. Youā€™ve mentioned several times that this guy committed a crime. What crime? Las was called out over a suspected forgery. They immediately cuffed him. He didnā€™t resist arrest. Now heā€™s dead. Killed by the officers that had him in custody. And apparently you think this is the way our justice system should work. If youā€™re under the impression LE will just keep this in the black community think again.

  12. ā€œMost often it is the attitude of resistance encouraged, aided and abetted by a society that is taught to hate the police and the soldier that leads to the tragedy and the riots you now see.ā€ These riots have nothing to do with hatred for the police and the soldier. It has everything to do with the organized left mobilizing on a momentā€™s notice to continue their Saul Alinsky, Cloward Piven tactics in disrupting our lives. The goal is to turn us into another shithole country.

  13. Target will have their insurance pay for it then the insurance will get their money from other clients. The costs that are not covered by insurance will be paid for by the customers (the same people looting) of Target through higher prices.

  14. N ot really concerned about Floyd.
    I t couldn’t be more obvious.
    G rabbing whatever they can steal.
    G utting local merchants who had nothing to do with the Floyd incident.
    E rroneously claiming blacks are the victims in our society.
    R ioting whenever they can for the looting opportunities.
    S tupid democrats still fall for their bullshit.

  15. @Cisco Kid May 28, 2020 at 10:08 am

    > To all the law enforcement haters, when the ā€œemployersā€ of the police loot

    It’s called “taxation”.

    > As usual the police and the soldier will be there to protect you from the criminals who run rampant and destroy your city and society with impunity

    It is the police and the soldiers that run rampant and destroy your city and society with impunity. Not Party members in good standing, have no immunity impunity.

    > Do individual police and soldiers make mistakes in the performance of duty, no doubt tragedies occur, but rarely are those mistakes made in the singularity of one manā€™s actions.

    Like the “mistake” of cheating on your wife? Impregnating your underage “mistress” thrice? For a decade? “[I]ndividual police and soldiers” all sign up, individually, each and every one, to destroy the Party’s “enemies”. Whatever “enemies” the Party offers. (And loot their remains, of course. Gotta’ cover those sweet, sweet gubbamint gibs.)

    > More often than not those mistakes by the police are properly addressed and punished appropriately within the rule of law.

    The rule of law is slavery for thee, profits for we. Glad you’re good with that.

    > So when you see the police and National Guard Soldier deployed to protect you and your city and maintain your comfortable suburban safety consider their contribution to you and you loved onesā€¦

    The sole reason Whitler rules. Hillary is free as a bird. And Epstein killed himself.

    You know, at least ISIS has the courage to say they want to kill you. And rape your dog. When are you going to get right with your God, and quit blaming your enemies for forcing you to engage in your proud atrocities?

  16. @Bad_Brad May 28, 2020 at 10:19 am

    > Black Lives Matter just wrecked any chance of a civilized request for LE Agency reform.

    Oh. Yeahs. There was any chance of civilized LE Agency reform.

  17. @Miss Kitty May 28, 2020 at 10:32 am

    > Do you ever see any protestā€™s when illegal alienā€™s kill American citizens? Not one peep, all you hear is crickets. I guess their lives donā€™t matter.

    Even plastic Barbie says, “That math’s not hard.”

  18. Bad_Brad,

    There is a correlation between police response and politicians playing CYA.

    Willing to bet we have another “give them space to destroy” or a stand down going on just like Korea Town.

    Who knows, it may be the correct call in the long term or maybe BLM and the Democrats will ramp up the 1968 or a LA scenario for more political gain.

    Nevertheless I concede that in this particular case will no doubt end up in a murder prosecution.

    This officer will be prosecuted in accordance with the law, doubt many rioters will.

    George Floyd did a five year stretch for armed robbery and home invasion in Houston and being arrested for fraud in Minneapolis.

    That does not justify his death, but that and his physical size and the facts of his priors may have exacerbated this situation.

    He did not deserve to die and there will be justice but he wasn’t a saint either although he soon will be made one.

  19. @FarmWife May 28, 2020 at 10:57 am

    > When the blacks start rioting over an incident like that Iā€™ll start being more sympathetic.

    When “not the blacks” roll off their couches, and quit hoarding all their 2A participation trophies, Iā€™ll start being more sympathetic.

  20. @joe6pak May 28, 2020 at 11:19 am

    > It has everything to do with the organized left mobilizing on a momentā€™s notice

    The “organized left” has been organized for over a century. How much “notice” do you need?

  21. Cisco Kid

    Agreed. And I donā€™t hate cops. I know a lot of really good ones. I shoot with a couple of them every weekend. Itā€™s a tough job and getting tougher everyday.

  22. Look at all those Democrat voters taking advantage of the Target store going out of business sale. The fire sale will be next. Vote democrat and burn down your city.

  23. I think the question we should be asking is “what did George Floyd have on Hillary Clinton that would cause him to be publicly executed in broad daylight?”

    On a serious note I’m not saying there is footage of St George resisting arrest but at the same time I would not put it past the MSM to have edited what they have to make it look like the MPLS police employ racist death squads who love nothing more than to murder people in the street in broad daylight. I will say I lived in MPLS back in the 1990ā€™s and they had no death squads then. If MPLS has actual death squads today my how things have changed.

    Let us assume St George was a practicing Jain; as in he would not even hurt an ant or a spider. Let us say all St George was guilty of was counterfeiting- how is LE to know they are about to have the easiest arrest ever in all recorded history of Law Enforcement? People like St George (people who break the law for a living) understand the game or rather understand the level of ā€œriskā€ they are taking. It is not uncommon for such ā€œriskā€ takers to want to avoid the consequences of their job; as in some try to fight their way out rather than going peacefully. I wonā€™t condemn LE agents for being ā€˜ready for anythingā€™ because for all they know St George could be a killer. Or think of it this way- if your line of work means the day may come when the police know your name and where you live and may come for you donā€™t be surprised if they treat you like you could be a danger to them. That is part of the ā€œriskā€ you take when you decide to break the law for a living. Now if that was not explained to St George when he applied for the job of counterfeiting that is not the fault of LE. For clarityā€™s sake I know that I donā€™t know all of the details. What Iā€™m saying is Iā€™ll wait for all the details to come out in court.

    I think the LE response to the looting has several different messages all at the same time:

    ā€¢ The natives are hyper sensitive- if we intervene this will get worse best to let the fire burn itself out
    ā€¢ If the people are not happy with how we do our jobs let them see what happens if there are none of us left to do our job
    ā€¢ People wonder why we go all Alpha Male in certain parts of the city- welcome to my office, welcome to where I work every single day these are the people you pay me to deal with because you canā€™t be bothered to deal with them yourself
    ā€¢ Remember when that fast tracked Somali became a MPLS police officer and he murdered that woman from Australia? I mean he shot an unarmed woman point blank for no reason- where was the rioting then? Oh, thatā€™s right some lives matter and other lives donā€™t. No calls for that police officer to be strung up- nope, it was all ā€˜we will let the courts handle thisā€™.

    Iā€™m not in Law Enforcement but I can imagine that is going through their heads about now. All Iā€™m saying is I will never be quick to judge a cop and like the rest of us he should be convicted after the state proves itā€™s case beyond a reasonable doubt. And as St George was a wanted criminal there is a lot of reasonable doubt for a defense attorney to work with.

  24. I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Negro community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.

    Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real Estate values are fueled by the influx of North American Negroes into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self-improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.

    Presently enriching the cities of Milwaukee WI, Spokane WA, Chicago IL, Philadelphia PA, Washington D.C., St. Louis MO, New Orleans LA, Los Angeles CA, Flint MI, Baltimore MD, Pontiac MI, Gary, IN., Houston TX, Newark NJ, Cleveland OH, Atlanta GA, Richmond VA, Memphis TN, Birmingham AL, Dallas TX, Camden NJ; and let’s not forget Detroit, the tourism capital of the world!!

  25. @Cunic…

    ā€œAnd in all that looting, not one pair of work boots was stolenā€¦ā€

    You mean ā€œAfrican American Jogging Bootsā€, right, Cynic?

  26. 29 years ago many of my conservative neighbors were seen on TV on the roofs of their businesses, with weapons the first 2 Presidents this century said “deplorables” should not legally have, protecting them from Rodney King riots!
    They clearly do not look like me! But we are conservative; and we are not cowards!
    Today we go out but mask-less!

    Some will use any “reason” to steal and destroy what others have built! Has been since Cain + Able!


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