Syria… Why? – IOTW Report

Syria… Why?

Toppling Assad. What’s it get us?

Trump is weakening on a non-intervention into Syria stance that he’s held in the past.


18 Comments on Syria… Why?

  1. There are three groups of people that benefit from intervention in Syria.

    1. Defense contractors for obvious reasons.
    2. Military officers looking to advance their careers.
    3. Israel. Why use their troops and money when they can use ours?

  2. I’m so sick of the middle east. The only thing they understand is jihad. Let them wipe each other out. Russia is just hoping to take over their lands, as usual, wasting their money. They don’t learn. None of them.

  3. “Trump is weakening on a non-intervention into Syria stance that he’s held in the past.”

    Dropping large tubular devices that go boom doesn’t mean boots on the ground. I haven’t heard Trump, or his spokes people, say anything about regime change. Destroying runways and planes in a quick strike, just like last time, is nothing like what’s being described by the media.
    Having said that, I think this is a set up.

  4. Israel already did a bombing. Let syria stew on that. Sure, Assad may have bombed his own people. That’s how the middle east rolls. Shit, Putin may have done it with Assad’s approval. They’re all nuts. What do you want? We don’t need to take advice from John McCain and his bitch Lindsey.

  5. I think Trump says things to be consumed by the media just to stir things up. I admit, sometimes I get sucked into it and get riled up, but it think he loves to keep everyone one their toes.

  6. Obumbler nearly bumbled into this same stupidity, and there were not nearly as many Russians in Syria to provoke at that time. ISIS is nearly eliminated, and the problem with the Turks and the Kurds is liable to suck this country into a bigger military commitment than trying to teach Assad a lesson. The entire place is an ungrateful Shithole. Stay the hell out of this mess.

  7. The Russians and the Iranians are supporting Assad and that alone could be a reason for the US to funnel arms and equipment to the rebels. Unfortunately you can’t be sure anymore who would actually try to create a democratic secular state that would not tolerate the export of religious or political intolerance. Russia needs to be forced out and Saudia Arabia needs to be convinced to step up their “war” with Iran to keep them from creating a Syrian Hezbollah.

  8. “Why?”

    is Trump getting his intelligence reports and advice from the same agencies and think tanks that are trying to get him removed from office ?

    if not then who else is in that business he can trust ?

    if congress can no longer conduct meaningful oversight into the operations of the intelligence community then what makes you think they are not doing what their string pullers want them to do and that looks like more war in the middle east, gentlemen.

  9. Look, the gassing of innocent Syrian children is beyond horrific, but… and this is a Michelle Obama Size BUT…
    Remember, in savage animal islamic countries the pattern is always the same:
    First, Savage Islamic Animal Group A has the upper hand and they commit atrocities on Savage Islamic Animal Group B.
    Then, Savage Islamic Animal Group B takes control and what do they do? Establish a constitution protecting individual rights? NO!
    Savage Islamic Animal Group B starts committing atrocities on Savage Islamic Animal Group A!
    What I’m saying is, there doesn’t seem to be any group of “innocent Syrian victims” except for the kids.
    The proof is what’s happening all over Europe as these Syrian savage islamic animal “refuge victims” are raping town after town.
    My plan? Let ONLY the kids out and level the place. Afterwards, for Godsake, don’t hand it back to them. Establish the new country of America II Electric Bugaloo, put up a GAP, a Walmart, a McDonalds, and a Hooters and bring a civilized society to the area for once.

  10. I for one do not care. A weak ally in need of constant propping-up only hobbles Putin. The longer he’s saddled with that the better. We gain nothing from intervening.

  11. @Irony Curtain: Couldn’t agree more.
    I have watched over the past few decades everyone (nations) try and make peace within the region. It has never worked. These people (Muslims), and all their refugees that have traveled to Europe and the US, are clearly not ready for integration within modern society.
    Screw them. Make a Chernobyl out of all their cities.

  12. I believe the President is showing great restraint and political maturity.

    This “incident” smacks of being a political land mine buried right outside the President’s
    Oval Office door. Oh so interestingly timed with the attacks on him here now.

    Where is it written that The United States is the only peacekeeping nation on earth?

    Let Syria’s neighbors sort it out.

    Or better yet, in the words of Sarah Palin: “Let Allah sort it out”.


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