Syrian Air Base Bombarded In Pre-Dawn Strike – IOTW Report

Syrian Air Base Bombarded In Pre-Dawn Strike

DC: A barrage of missiles struck a military base inside Syria early Monday morning, according to multiple reports from Syrian state media and observers on the ground.

The attack targeted Tiyas air base near Homs in eastern Syria, the site from which an Iranian drone crossed into Israeli airspace in February. Israel responded to that incursion by bombing the Tiyas base, losing an F-16 fighter jet to a Syrian anti-aircraft missile in the process.

Air defenses intercepted eight missiles launched at the base, Syrian state media said. No government has yet claimed responsibility for the airstrikes, and U.S. defense officials denied American military assets took part in the attack, The Associated Press reported.

As reports of the strikes circulated, the White House released a readout of a call between President Donald Trump and French leader Emmanuel Macron earlier Sunday. The call centered on a suspected chemical weapons attack from the Syrian regime against civilians in the besieged eastern Ghouta area of Syria on Saturday.

“Both leaders strongly condemned the horrific chemical weapons attacks in Syria and agreed that the Assad regime must be held accountable for its continued human rights abuses,” the readout stated. “They agreed to exchange information on the nature of the attacks and coordinate a strong, joint response.”  more here

10 Comments on Syrian Air Base Bombarded In Pre-Dawn Strike

  1. Not just planes, how about the warships in the Pacific? If Hilary had won we might be in chains already. God bless Donald Trump, I will fight in his army! Being an old guy he might not take me, but I could be the chef du jour for them!

  2. Too many fucked up factions there with modern tech now.

    I’m tending to believe Putin more just because of Obama’s created bullshit.

    Remember, Obama removed all the chemical weapons.

  3. When has war with Syria been declared by the US Congress? I believe this is part of Constitutional law, which should be just as valid as the 1st and 2nd Amendments. So do American politicians get to be selective in their oaths to uphold the Constitution? They seem to think so. The US Military is committed to defend our OWN country from foreign and domestic enemies. Why then is US military in Israel? And why is it in Syria which is no threat to our own country. Propaganda lies are huge and rampant about Assad, especially when we know there is criminal collusion among our government, the military, and the (((MSM))).

    BREAKING: Air Strikes On Syria Have Commenced
    Posted at 10:00 pm on April 8, 2018 by Grant Gambling
    The French, American, and Israelis have all been in contact with the White House today, and it could be any of those three conducting the strikes at this point.

  4. This is ridiculous. POTUS publicly said he’s thinking about leaving Syria, Assad is on the verge of victory, no military aged men are seen in any photos of the victims, very few casualties for a “WMD”.

    Had this been an airburst, which any sophisticated military would have used there would be several hundred instead of fifty or fewer.

    Isn’t is a strange coincidence that McCain was in Syria a week before the last false flag gas attack and this time the Saudie Crown Prince was in DC the week before?

    Mark my words, if this charade doesn’t deepen our involvement the deep state people behind it will make absolutely certain U.S. personnel are killed by the next false flag attack.


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