Syrian refugee skates on child molestation because “All Arabs look alike.” – IOTW Report

Syrian refugee skates on child molestation because “All Arabs look alike.”

Kathy Shaidle sends us this one-

The Rebel-

Hajj Soleiman, a 40-year-old Syrian and father of six who came to Canada December, 2015 was accused of six counts of sexual assault and six counts of sexual interference after a series of gropings and molestations in the West Edmonton Mall World Waterpark in February, 2017.

The complainants, six girls age 13 to 15, accused Hajj Solomon of sexually touching them in the wave pool.

The judge cited the fact that Hajj Solomon is from a different cultural background from the six complainants as a reason to call into question their identification of him.

7 Comments on Syrian refugee skates on child molestation because “All Arabs look alike.”

  1. Revolutions in multiple Western countries is not impossible. People are beginning to realize they won’t survive unless the Left is purged from power, and that won’t happen in most places through elections.

  2. @grool July 7, 2018 at 7:26 am
    > Revolutions in multiple Western countries is not impossible.


    @lj July 7, 2018 at 8:26 am
    > Only war will cleanse Europe and North America

    It’s been that way since before World War II. Which was the putsch to install, in one fell swoop, the cosmopolitan communalists. The people supported them then. The people have had sixty years to see how that goes. The people support them still. (Yes, I know. They whine about it. They pout about it. And then, they continue to work for the privilege — to whine and pout. Same as it ever was.) Unless you’re picturing some kind of “Twilight Zone” episode where all the children, who’ve yet to have an opportunity to voice their opinion, slip into their legal guardians’ bedrooms and Menendez them all, why do you think that a billion people, who have spent their entire lives “earning” their place in the Communalist Party, will decide to overthrow The Party, and “throw away” all that “hard work”?

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