T-Ball Highlights – IOTW Report

T-Ball Highlights

13 Comments on T-Ball Highlights

  1. The hardest part of coaching them was keeping them seated in the correct batting order on the bench. I used to have one of the parents stand there with the list to keep it sane.

  2. Jethro – It’s like herding cats! I’ve seen kids in the batting order run out on the field to get the ball that their own team member hit out there! Funny stuff

  3. Kid lived right behind the ball field. As he rounded 3rd the coach said, “Run Home, Run Home”. The kid looked confused, but rounded 3rd and headed out through center field, running home.

  4. DavidW;
    My kids played indoor soccer and it was hilarious. No out of bounds, played ball off spectators. If ball got stuck in the stubby bleachers the spectators just threw it back into play…Only time it slowed down was goal or injury..of which there were plenty..injuries I mean, kid collisions, none serious tho.

  5. I coached T Ball when my youngest was 5. Laughed my ass off. Fun times. About two years after that one of my buds asked me to help coach Pee Wee football. The fun was gone. It was the parents not the kids

  6. Some of my fondest memories are of playing sandlot baseball in the summer when I was 8, 9, 10. No adults. If we couldn’t find enough kids for a game we’d play pitch and catch or have batting practice.


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