Tables Turned Easily On Skinny Ass Punks – IOTW Report

Tables Turned Easily On Skinny Ass Punks

Screen Shot 2015-08-22 at 8.42.45 PM

17 Comments on Tables Turned Easily On Skinny Ass Punks

  1. I have been gone from home a majority of the day. Went to an old and dear friend’s lace to help build a casket for his Collie that died. He is somewhat disabled and had no one to turn to for help. It has been a downer of a day.

    This video has brought me back up.
    WHAT an EPIC ass woopin!

  2. He damn near got shot in the head by a round that came through the wall at about 1:27 and then as he walks past the bullet hole, two more holes appear in the wall.

    Pretty good beat down. Very nice escape moves by the shop guy (owner?).

  3. It’s too disturbing to watch anyone get shot on an internet video. I hate that our society is getting used to this. If one of those guys had died on camera it would be no better than watching a snuff film. How debased are we? And aren’t we contributing to our devolution by appreciating the finer points of these gun battles? I’m glad no one was killed. I think it eats away at one’s soul to expose oneself to this stuff. To be honest I think people are so poisoned by television violence, it takes greater and greater doses of it to be titillated — even to the point of real-time, real-people murder.

  4. good thing the shop owner wasn’t a whitey, he’d die in jail for the crime of defending himself and his property…

    looks as good a place as any to start a boycott/riot/blame cops opportunity

  5. Abigail, you’re so right. Conversely, we bask when a bad situation is made right; thuggery shall not rule over good people. To defend your point though, we are getting desensitized to these things as they become more commonplace.

  6. Good points, AA. But the way a man looks at it, how else are you going to learn what to do, or what not to do, in a real life situation like this? It does have a survival educational value.

    I would expect a woman to be offended by it, but a man who might find himself in that same situation could do well by studying it.

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