Taco Bell Announces It Will Only Serve People From Mexico (satire) – IOTW Report

Taco Bell Announces It Will Only Serve People From Mexico (satire)

Babylon Bee-

IRVINE, CA—Cultural appropriators in America, you’ve just been put on notice. Fast-Food giant Taco Bell has announced that from now on it will only serve customers of Mexican descent to ensure that “everyone stays in their lanes.”

Patrons will be asked to show proof of their Mexican heritage at the drive-thru window or dine-in counter, and anyone who doesn’t meet the stringent racial standards won’t be able to partake in Taco Bell’s authentic Mexican cuisine.

Great job, Taco Bell! It’s important for restaurants to make sure that people of different ethnicities are not experiencing each other’s cultures, or harmfully colonizing fast food.


ht/ mighty mojo

15 Comments on Taco Bell Announces It Will Only Serve People From Mexico (satire)

  1. Twenty years ago, whoever headlined this post would have never thought of adding “a satire” to the title. Even The Onion, a premier satirical site, frequently cannot outdo liberals in creating loony ideas.

    We laugh at The Onion and give credit about how clever they are. We need to laugh at liberals while pointing out how stupid they are.

  2. It’s time we start blaming any fake news made by a right-wing site on the left because it is so difficult to recognize satire because of how fucked up they are.

  3. If Chalupa truly believes that he is Mexican, then yes, he can post as Chalupa. Those are the new rules

    Just like if I truly believe that I am Lennie Small from “Of Mice and Men”, then I’m allowed to accidentally kill puppies when i pet them

  4. Taco Bell also said that it would fire all the Mexicans that work as order-takers, food preparers, and washer-uppers and hire gringos to take their places.

    In an unrelated development, Governor Jerry Brown has just been assassinated.

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