TacoGate Consumes Tim Walz – IOTW Report

TacoGate Consumes Tim Walz


Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Governor Tim Walz has been caught in another lie, this time about tacos.

In a recent video published by Walz and Kamala Harris, the Minnesota governor claimed he has “white guy tacos” and doesn’t use any seasoning besides pepper when he cooks tacos.

The video immediately faced backlash due to the fact the Harris campaign is attempting to lean into the longstanding false stereotype that white people do not season their food.

However, Walz’s claim that he uses no seasoning on his tacos is not true. More

The recipe for Turkey Taco Tot Hotdish Here

24 Comments on TacoGate Consumes Tim Walz

  1. Deliberate distraction. Focus on Tampy’s collectivist beliefs and policy proposals. We KNOW he lies. Spending time on his dishonesty about taco seasoning (GMAFB!) is, to be polite, pretty Fing stupid.

  2. When you serve the Father of Lies, the child looks a lot like his daddy.

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
    -John 8:44

  3. And before you journos have a conniption fit about us hammering Taco Tim for his mendacity, let me remind you about your obsession with the authenticity and tastiness of Trump Tower Taco Bowls eight years ago. You might want to sit this one out.

  4. Do you see now how They do it?
    They start out calling Trump Vance Weird.
    Why. Because of their past.
    They knew all along They were ‘The Weird Ones’.
    They are playing to their weakness to form a common strength.
    Very calculated.
    And very transparent.

    Teen Tampon dispenser in boys rooms seems weird to most folks.
    Can Walz defend that in a debate. I bet not.
    Not as a Command SGT Major.
    Did you Notice?

    Looks like CSGTM has ALSO been double-dipping as an Admiral.
    There is a side-by-side of Walz and Trans Admiral Levin.
    It’s an exact match.
    It’s F’ng scary.

  5. When someone lies about something there is no reason to lie about, you know they’ll lie about anything! It’s endemic. It’s second nature. They can’t help themselves! They cannot be trusted about ANYTHING!

  6. Uncle Al, you are correct. They—meaning Hillary—hit Trump with every niggling “gotcha” they could in 2016, to the point of ridiculous overkill. And that’s not even including the binder full of women. How’dcthat work out, Hillary?

    Walz is a woke, hard-left, coward and liar who is embarrassed to be white and is openly contemptuous of white people when he thinks it will help him politically. But silly “gotchas” are not going to slow him down or call him out. And I put that “Falling Down” story in the silly “gotcha” category.

    Catch him with child porn and we’ll talk.

  7. There seem to be more and more subtle and unsubtle ways in the media and advertising to put down white people.

    I just saw an advert on TV about young black girls roller skating and having to apply deodorant. The tag line of the advert for one brand (I don’t know which one) is: GETS RID OF WHITE MARKS.

    The meaning of it escapes me, but I’ll remember it.

  8. What’s this obsession the Demwit political elite have with tacos? Lady Macbeth Biden’s “breakfast tacos”, now Lock Step Tim’s “white guy tacos”.
    Is that the only cultural reference they have for Latinos? A couple of white Demwits pandering to Latinos for votes.
    Probably, not confident the hordes of Latino illegal invaders (the Biden Administration allowed to run the border) care enough about the November election to register to vote at DMVs. No guarantee they’ll vote mostly for Democrats.
    So, in the most racist and tone deaf way Democrats insult the voting demographic they’re trying to attract. Seems to work on black plantation voters, Latinos maybe not so much.

  9. Meat and cheese, that’s called a loose meat sandwich.
    Take the word taco out of your vocabulary, coward.
    While you’re at it, drop “Duty, Honor, Country” too.

  10. The whole purpose was to demean himself with performative submission to the idolized “person of color.”
    You see, he is not worthy.
    He is a straight, White male.
    Plain, boring, and no longer a threat.
    Kamala is all things good.
    However, if you dare “appropriate” any protected culture, you are the devil incarnate.


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