Michael Cohen – IOTW Report

Michael Cohen Takes the Stand

Monday, 13 May 2024, 11:41 Dr. Tar 10

Just the News Michael Cohen is expected to deliver his long-awaited testimony Monday in Donald Trump’s so-called “hush money” case, but taking the stand will likely bring up his own [Read More]

The Three Ring Impeachment Circus

Sunday, 30 December 2018, 17:00 Dr. Tar 12

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry! Step right up and prepare yourself for the national spectacle that is using the House of Representatives and other organs of our government as a venue for defeating the [Read More]

As The Swamp Turns

Thursday, 26 July 2018, 12:30 Dr. Tar 4

24-hour cable news has become a round-the-clock soap opera featuring the President of the United States. For the last two years it’s been one five alarm hair-on-fire breaking story after another and if there aren’t [Read More]