Manhattan Indictment Held Up by a “Surprise Witness” – IOTW Report

Manhattan Indictment Held Up by a “Surprise Witness”

PJ Media

But now it turns out that the Manhattan district attorney’s office, which has Trump in its sights, just may be stepping back from the brink: Business Insider reported Saturday night that Trump’s indictment is “on hold” until one more witness testifies Monday afternoon.

That’s about all that has come to light, as the relevant authorities are being quite closemouthed about this whole thing. Insider says that “a source with knowledge of the investigation” told them on Saturday night “there is one more witness.” The indictment is apparently not a certainty until this witness testifies. More

Last night PJ Media identified the “surprise witness” as “Robert Costello, a former legal advisor to Michael Cohen,” who will appear to destroy the credibility of former Trump lawyer, Michael Cohen. Here

19 Comments on Manhattan Indictment Held Up by a “Surprise Witness”

  1. “Robert Costello, a former legal advisor to Michael Cohen who will appear to destroy the credibility of former Trump lawyer, Michael Cohen.”

    No honor amongst lawyers apparently.

  2. They’ll drop charges eventually… They want to take over the news cycle now that the filthy, stinking Bidens have been exposed as China’s paid bitches. They also want to provoke an new 1/6 scam “riot” to smear the GOP with.

  3. WTF has happened to our country? We went from the best economy in decades to the second great depression in two years. Our borders are non-existent, the woke crowd has taken over the schools and the media, and our military has been downgraded to the point I’m not sure we could defeat Mexico in an actual war.
    Is this how it ends? One stolen election and the country just slides in to third world status?
    I need a drink, make that a lot of drinks.

  4. I bet the “surprise witness” (if this person is even real) will have testimony that will cause the DA to stop the indictment. This was planned all along, that’s why the arrest was planned for Tuesday – to give them a day to call it off at the last second.

  5. “One stolen election”

    Not the only stolen election. Just one they got caught at.

    Every one after that has used improved cheating.

    There aren’t as many lefties as these stolen elections say there are.

    Otherwise the country seems to want to destroy itself, and I seriously doubt that.


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