regulations – IOTW Report

Taught Not to Try

Thursday, 2 June 2016, 18:30 MJA 5

RCP: [JohnStossel] The first step in inventing something shouldn’t be waiting for government approval. What would ever get done? “Regulators like to see new types of law and regulation imposed [Read More]

Republicans go after Obamalunch

Wednesday, 8 July 2015, 11:45 Cardigan 10

MoeLane– Although the Hill’s title – “GOP has knives out for school lunch rules” – is accurate enough.  The GOP does have the knives out: “First lady Michelle Obama’s signature [Read More]

The EPA Wants More Regulations On Truckers

Monday, 22 June 2015, 19:15 Cardigan 44

LonelyConservative- President Obama’s EPA is at it again, proposing costly new regulations that will drive up the cost of everything for everyone. This time it’s regulations on truckers.