water – IOTW Report

Making Space Mining A Reality

Tuesday, 6 December 2016, 17:30 Dr. Tar 15

  A number of wealthy entrepreneurs are turning their attention towards the, potentially, hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of business to be done mining the moon and asteroids.   While every [Read More]

Drink Up, Dems

Thursday, 21 January 2016, 13:15 Dr. Tar 8

It’s so predictable, whenever there is a disaster caused by Democrats, they scramble for a way to put the blame on a Republican or a corporation. Case in point, the Flint [Read More]

Water Streaks on Mars

Monday, 28 September 2015, 14:34 Dr. Tar 48

The space agency has evidence that salty water may seasonally flow on Mars. This would mean Mars warms up enough for water to flow downhill and may create an environment that [Read More]

Drop the Salad Fork, Vegan!

Monday, 24 August 2015, 19:15 Dr. Tar 15

If a person cares about the planet then one should stay away from those leafy green salads, particularly if it’s loaded up with iceberg lettuce.   Besides the obvious drawback [Read More]