Tailban Keeps Truce, Signs Peace Agreement Today – IOTW Report

Tailban Keeps Truce, Signs Peace Agreement Today

Associated Press

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the U.S. is “realistic” about the peace deal it signed with the Taliban, but is “seizing the best opportunity for peace in a generation.”

Speaking after the signing ceremony in Qatar, Pompeo said he was still angry about the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks that were planned in Afghanistan under Taliban rule. He says the U.S. will not ”squander” what its soldiers “have won through blood, sweat and tears.”

He says the U.S. will do whatever is necessary for its security if the Taliban do not comply with the agreement. More

15 Comments on Tailban Keeps Truce, Signs Peace Agreement Today

  1. Hope this works, but I’m also wondering it the Leftists are going to approve of it.

    It could be said it doesn’t make any difference if they do or not, but on the domestic front it does and they don’t like letting Trump have a victory of any kind (particularly one involving ending Islamic violence).

  2. The Taliban are of course lying about their peaceful intent. We on the other hand should pull out the deck of cards marked “Nukes” and tell them that any family group found to be involved in any way in an attack of any kind against the United States, it’s Citizens or Military Forces will recieve one or more of them from 35,000 feet as a reminder of the Treaty. And yes, that means LOTS of collateral damage. These tribal people live and die for their extended families. Let them know there will be a bill
    that they cannot pay.

  3. Unless you beat the shit out of these people, brutalize them, enslave, and relocate them from their homes, LIKE THE ASSYRIANS successfully did, they dont seem to respect behavior less than this

  4. This seems to be a Western-style pact, the sort that assumes a top-down pyramid of authority and control, and that assumes if someone nominally at the tip of the pyramid says so, those at the bottom will agree and obey. In Afghanistan, this is a fantasy or a con.

    However, if this makes it possible to get the U.S. troops out of that hell-hole, so be it.

  5. Afghanistan is “civilized” in the sense that warring tribes of the Bronze Age were “civilized.” They promote peace and friendship as a way to get close enough to back-stab each other – intra-, inter-, and extra-tribally.
    Even among families they are known to murder and debauch.
    They unite to expel foreigners only long enough to enable them to get back to killing each other – and the tribes rotationally align themselves with the foreigners to enable them to profit and murder each other with relative impunity.

    No … I’m not picking on them … that’s how Caesar found Gaul, Spain, and Briton back in the day; England and France found India; Germany, England, France, Belgium, Portugal, and Holland found Africa; Japan, America, Russia, France, and Germany found China; France, England, Russia, and Spain found America … it happens …

    Leave them to their seething hatreds – they’re a threat to no one.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. …yeah, no.

    This isn’t a ceasefire.

    It’s a hudna, or a tactical peace requested so one can rearm, train, and plot new tactics for the next attack. Mohammad first used it to decieve the Medians until he could militarily defeat them, and Muslims have used it ever since.


    …Islam brooks no rival, it’s very NAME means submission.

    …as put by Jihad Watch,

    “In reality, the only “permanent, nonviolent resolution” to differences between Muslims and non-Muslims allowed by Islamic law is the subjugation of the non-Muslims under the rule of Sharia, under which they will “pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued” (Qur’an 9:29).”


    …this is no peace, only a pause between battles.

    There CAN be no peace with Islam until THEY are destroyed…

    …or WE are…


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