Take a hike, Ben! – IOTW Report

Take a hike, Ben!

BigGovernment: Several 2016 GOP presidential campaigns are now revolting, not just against the Republican National Committee (RNC) controlling the debate process, but against controversial GOP establishment lawyer Ben Ginsberg’s efforts to insert himself into the process.

ben ginsberg

Aides to four top campaigns—those of billionaire Donald Trump, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich—have all confirmed they will not sign onto a letter organized by Ginsberg after the GOP presidential campaigns all broke from the RNC on Sunday night.

“Our campaign chose not to attend your closed door meeting last night. We had dinner at the Applebee’s in Pella, Iowa instead,” Fiorina deputy campaign manager Sarah Isgur Flores wrote in response to an email from Ginsberg requesting campaigns to sign onto his letter to the networks about debate demands.  more here

5 Comments on Take a hike, Ben!

  1. Another example of the RINO GOPe attempting to re-assert being head of the pack. Good luck, dipshits.

    And thus we see the further fracturing of the RINO GOPe Republitards, and the ascendency of the TEA Party/conservative faction.

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