Take A Ride On The “Emtrain” – IOTW Report

Take A Ride On The “Emtrain”

If you’ve ever been forced to sit through an HR training video that insults your common sense, then chances that production was created by Emtrain.

For those who have been spared this assault on common sense, Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh provides a running commentary on a piece that’s suppose to make you aware of your “unconscious bias.” Watch

16 Comments on Take A Ride On The “Emtrain”

  1. Think that’s bad?
    I’ve had to watch this cringe inducing video every year for the past four, AND get a 100% on the test or sit through it again. I decided “f-ck it” and stopped taking it.
    Don’t waste your time watching the whole thing. Just skip to the 8:00 mark to learn about transgenders – The actor/tress…freak is hilarious!

  2. Also…I have to occasionally work with a thing that was a woman who chopped her insides up because she decided she was a man. I won’t call it out by any name or pronoun because I refuse to participate in the folly.

  3. I thought perhaps that the “Build Culture. Not Just Compliance.” image was satire. Nope. It’s all over their web site. They must be at the pinnacle of hubris and condescension to think that nobody will notice that the word “just” means that “compliance” is their first objective.

  4. I’m looking at two scenarios for the rest of my life.
    1 – Somehow the MAGA movement continues to grow and we figure out how to stop the voter fraud.
    2 – The country is doomed and I go live in a cave for the rest of my life.

  5. Jethro, That is a torturous video.
    My sister worked in a building with freaks in it.
    – She quit using the bathroom, holding it all day, and got UTIs.
    – Thank God for working from home now.

  6. We have our own annual version (it’s damn near identical, except the tranny in our training video was a little more woman-like). Also, have to take a damn test after watching it. If you don’t take it, it reflects on your yearly raise. So, I let it run, do some work, fail the test on purpose and take it about three times. If they insist on us taking it, I’ll insist on wasting time and purposely fail it a couple of times. Ends up being an easy day at work (I hate even coasting at work, but don’t make me do something I absolutely don’t want to do).

  7. You know society is fucked up when “normal” is considered bigotry.
    Biden is embracing this bull shit. When a politician jumps on a bandwagon issue then he/she should be forced to be surrounded by it. For example: His Secret Service detail should be all transgenders and his staff should also be transgenders. Give them a true understanding of their actions.

  8. They pulled that crap on us at ExxonMobil years ago. A bunch of rug munchers were sent from the Northeast to straighten out all the rednecks at our plant. Those rednecks had them questioning their life choices and after they left, ExxonMobil never tried that again. I never saw anyone harass a person at work for being “different” by choice. Neither did they want to be told something contrary to God’s Law or plain common sense.

  9. It’s like the kid in the neighborhood whose mom went to other kids’ moms to beg them to play with her kid. And when you did, you realized why that kid’s mom had to BEG in the first place.
    Emtrain, is that mom.

  10. I bet companies that play that game have all kinds of safety and health violations they are not paying enough attention to. I’m sure that during the boring gender claptrap schooling an imaginative anonymous fellow could think of some to send to the appropriate government agencies to help with the safety and health issues that abound in the workplace.

  11. I’m not sure if Illinois now requires liquor store owners to complete a course about sexual harassment, so I haven’t done it. Since I opened, three women have flashed their tits, one pulled her pants down and showed off her butt, and one groped me. I wasn’t even giving out beads or drinks. I think some of my customers are a lot better at sexual harassment than I am, so maybe the state’s sexual harassment course will help me get better at it.

  12. I had to take this crap via online
    training at AT&T years ago.
    They never gave us field engineers 1
    hour of real radio electronics training.
    I all ready knew not to place my hand or lean
    on a wheel chair bound person. I never saw
    a disabled wheel chair bound person out in
    a remote semi-wooded radio tower site…

  13. I am a retired cardiologist. When I first started, training programs looked for the best and brightest. Now it’s all about diversity and inclusiveness. The future of American medicine is looking like Cuba.


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