Take a Slow Train Ride Through the Swiss Alps – It’s Pretty Frightening – IOTW Report

Take a Slow Train Ride Through the Swiss Alps – It’s Pretty Frightening

There are points on this ride that scare the swiss fudge out of me.

19 Comments on Take a Slow Train Ride Through the Swiss Alps – It’s Pretty Frightening

  1. Been through Switzerland by train. Stops in Bern and Lake Lucerne (famous for the inspiration of Deep Purple’s Smoke On the Water).
    Amazing scenery.

  2. BFH take a drive along the Going to the Sun Road in Montana’s Glacier NP. Quite a few holy moley twists and turns and drop offs to get your heart pump in’!

  3. A little steeper than the Mt Washington cog railway!
    I was watching, thinking, this isn’t so bad. Then the ten minute mark came.
    I think the walking path was scarier!

  4. Been on that cog railway several times. The view is spectacular overlooking the southern Alps towards Italy. The cable cars to the top are a little more intimidating.

  5. I travelled by car over the Alps into Italy. Yes, Georgius.

    Since then, I’ve often wondered why there are so many beautiful green pastures up there. I concluded, without any evidence whatever, that the trees were probably cut down for firewood or building materials over the last couple of Millenia and those areas never got re-seeded. Of course, those pastures are great for the cows.

    There are still lots of evergreen trees there, but I think 2000 years ago there were probably a lot more.


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