Take Away All the Guns and the Savage Scumbags Will Just Stab You From Behind With a Knife – IOTW Report

Take Away All the Guns and the Savage Scumbags Will Just Stab You From Behind With a Knife

A young man is fighting for his life after being knifed from behind as he sat watching a movie.


23 Comments on Take Away All the Guns and the Savage Scumbags Will Just Stab You From Behind With a Knife

  1. Don’t worry. The recently signed anti-gun laws in Kalifornia will eliminate this sort of crime.

    Pffft. What was I thinking?
    It will actually create millions of new “criminals.”

    Thanks, jerry.

  2. There are savages among us. There was a time when society was better at weeding them out. Nowadays it is considered cruel and heartless to eliminate the cruel and heartless.

  3. I’ll bet a dollar that:
    1. the victim sat down first
    2. the perp sat behind him later
    3. the vic noticed the perp was black
    4. the vic really wanted to move, but
    5. didn’t want to be thought a racisssssst!

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