Take It Outside – IOTW Report

Take It Outside

I just received this, and I’m going to have to start heeding it because it’s not the first one I’ve gotten.

>>Please get these guys under control.  Their constant back and forth bickering usually adds no value to comment sections.  In fact, it makes them unreadable for regular visitors.

As I read this morning, the “Why Tucker Carlson is Necessary” post has 103 comments.  Most of them are the usual back and forth, late night pokes between these guys.  As the thread wears on, others join the back and forth, adding nothing related to the actual topic of the thread.  <<

So, guys, bookmark this post. You can rant and rave at one another on this post. All the fighting will be memorialized for a long, long time. Try not to devour a thread with the bickering. Be mindful of your fellow iOTWers. Thank you.

63 Comments on Take It Outside

  1. What’s that old expression?

    “Keep it classy!”

    Good advice for people ‘arguing’ anything.

    (But as usual, there is quite a bit of humor in the insults on those threads. Variations on “Jane, you ignorant slut!” 🤣🤣🤣)


  2. BFH, an admin may have to herd them over here from time to time. Like, move their comments to get them to move with them.

    The rest of us will have to tell them to take it here when they start, if they keep at it.

  3. @BFH

    I’m all for civility and will pledge to be more mindful in its pursuit but one of the problems I see is that rules and decorum that all blogs follow (or should) are abandoned here and not policed, here are two examples;

    1) Username highjack- I’ve got my own troll that uses my name in his handles, I’m flattered but stealing a username for any purpose should not be allowed.

    2)And this is the most egregious, when a poster, especially one who is a regular, threatens physical violence on another poster, this crosses a major line for me and should be addressed. At first, I expected some of the other regulars to chime in. Like a brother who steps on his dick, you are his brother and need to reign him in because you care about him. That has not happened here. I suspected the attitude is,”Oh well, that is just the way he is”, but if a newbie just popped in to get a flavor of the blog and he witnesses a raving lunatic threatening those he is arguing with, with physical violence, I doubt he is going to stick around.

  4. “At first, I expected some of the other regulars to chime in”

    You haven’t paid BFH for an ignore button yet? That’s probably why no one chimes in. Works wonders.

    They don’t even know it’s going on after they see it start, but, be assured, many agree with you on your point.

  5. Well, the people involved with these imbroglios are originalists, going way back.

    I would hope that once people starting to say “I will leave this blog” that it would snap them into reality that I am not the enemy, but in a way they are damaging me.

  6. Maybe he’d prefer Agent Rich Taylor, to fit his purpose here. He’s a govposter, you want rules, maybe not letting Garlands men in here would be a good place to start.

  7. I admit it got way out of hand last night.
    I am one of the culprits who argues online but I’ve never threatened to fly to another city for a violent physical confrontation.
    I get why others find the fighting tedious.

    I would hope that we can still voice opinions here even if they deviate from the majority.
    However, the name calling has become ridiculous.
    I am not a troll, a faggot, queer, Hitler (yes, I was called Hitler!) a paid shill, a democrat, a leftist, a FED, a bitch, or any such entity.

    I am a conservative who likes coming here for the information, fun, humor, animals, conspiracy theories, & to chat with likeminded fellow patriots.
    Other sites have banned, deleted, or edited my posts.
    (Editing being the worst offense.)
    This place is unique in all the world wide web.

    I will try harder to ignore certain posts and to get along with my brothers and sisters here.
    I like to joke around and snark is my specialty.
    If I offend you it is generally not my goal.
    I hate nobody here even though I am hated by some.
    I don’t know anyone here well enough to hate them.
    All they have is words against me and there is plenty of folks in the world already for my hate to go around.


  8. Thanks BFH for all you do, best site ever! I’ve come to peace with the fact I can’t control others’ actions, but sometimes I still make suggestions that usually go unheeded…Still trying to survive teenage daughters.

  9. Dialogue is good.
    Discussion is healthy.
    Ad hominem attacks are puerile and neither lend themselves to understanding nor to changing another’s mind.

    We can actually disagree without even mentioning each other.

    But it’s nice to have a room where some can throw their shitty diapers at each other.
    (that was humor, by the way)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I have had many people email me about not commenting anymore. Some long time readers.

    People who can’t control themselves have already lost our site some readers commenting. I would assume some have left for good.

    Fur, you are NOT the villain here. Thank you for this. I know many will agree with me even though they may not say so for fear of nasty comments directed at them. Believe me, that’s why many have stopped commenting.

  11. Not my circus and those aren’t my monkeys. I learned early in life that there is a lot to be said for minding one’s own business after witnessing a guy get his ass nearly killed when he made it his business to get involved in something that was none of his business. I didn’t have any trouble ignoring the posts in question. That being said, having a battle octagon already set up and an invitation to take such battles there impresses me as having no downside. It tells everyone and everyone that it’s easy to separate the winners from the losers in future events held on other threads. Hint, there are winners.

  12. I’m an old timer and I miss a lot of the old timers not being here. When the squabblers are going at it I tend to withdraw and let them make a mess of things. I support free speech for everyone, including the drunk in the gutter, but most people are going to cross the street to avoid a confrontation.

  13. The “Battle Octagon”post needs a naming contest….Maybe something like ‘The 3 Stooge Lagoon’ or ‘The Diaper Rash Open’….’Neutral Corner Time Out Zone’….’Wait Til your Dad Gets Home Salon’….’I’ll Give You Something to Cry About Lounge’…

  14. ^^ Beautiful, willy.

    “Try This On For Size Changing Room”
    “Up Your Nose With A Rubber Hose Romper Room”
    “Put This In Your Pipe And Smoke It Lounge”
    “Stick It Up Your Ass Rest Room”
    “You’re So Full Of Shit Your Socks Stink Laundromat”
    “The Your Ass Is Grass Barn”

    (…and so many more!)

  15. @ wonky honky,
    “Still trying to survive teenage daughters.”…. Best of luck brother! They hate you for a few years then they’ll love you again.

  16. anodyne

    1. serving to alleviate pain
    2. not likely to offend or arouse tensions : innocuous
    1. something that soothes, calms, or comforts
    2. a drug that allays pain

    Yeah, that was a soothing, calming, and comforting joke, alright …

    It was sposed to be My Little Pony, wasn’t it?

  17. I usually skip over the pissing matches. I tend to come late to threads anyway and have a lot of catch up to do.

    I have absolutely no problem with disagreements — that is the thing with conservatives. We are free to have our own thoughts and not have to march in lockstep with some dictated thought pattern. We just need to discuss differences civilly. It might be that the other person may have a valid reason for his views. Even if you still disagree, it gives you the opportunity to examine your own believes and make them stronger.

    There might also be a misunderstanding. Sometimes my sarcasm is missed and someone takes my comment seriously. I know on more than one occasion where other have stepped in and explained that my comment was sarcasm before I even saw that there was a problem (although I tend to put such comments in quotation marks now to hopefully fend off such issues).

    One time I made a comment that The Ghost of Gen. Glover civilly took issue with. Rather than come back in a snotty manner, I civilly explained myself. We ended up having a very genial exchange.

    Usually when pissing matches occur here, I take a scan down the comments to see if there is anything relevant I want to read then move on.

    While I agree with Rich Taylor’s sentiment about others stepping in to shut down the pissing matches, there is always the problem that one or both persons may see it as a piling on and end up pouring gasoline on the flames rather than a fire extinguisher. This has happened to Mrs. RMM once when she said something.

    Hopefully those concerned will take the hint and either agree to disagree, or at least move their vitriol to this thread.

  18. Threatening violence over the interwebz is similar to threatening violence over the telephone – kind of meaningless – if not farcical.

    Ann Barnhardt was threatened by some filthy izlamic savages on her website – so she published directions from the airport to her house, giving the number, and told them they didn’t even have to call ahead – she had a new weapon system she was dying to try out. They responded that it was all a joke.

    Cain’t we all jus get along?

  19. Being (gainfully) employed I usually arrive at the thread late. When I encounter the lover’s squabbles I think, what a waste of space and scroll away. The snivel I have is there are sensible comments in between the love slovos and I’ll miss them in the quickie scroll.

  20. @RadioMattM ~~ Excellent two sentences that I agree with.

    “I usually skip over the pissing matches. I tend to come late to threads anyway and have a lot of catch up to do.”

    “Usually when pissing matches occur here, I take a scan down the comments to see if there is anything relevant I want to read then move on.”

  21. Dead wrong Willys.
    I can’t speak for Brad but that NEVER happened with me.
    I did leave the site for a while but I did it without any fanfare whatsoever.
    I have had terse back & forths with MJA but nothing to leave the site over.
    I had my own reasons.
    Please get your facts straight when you regard me in the future.

  22. I don’t know the back story, don’t need or want to know and just keep on scrolling. The only time I got pissed at a poster was a nuisance named Mooie on ‘My Cat Hates You’ forum. I believe the forum disappered some time after Katrina.

  23. Dang, I just ignore them. Are there really those that note being disgruntled, or are such comments fake as well? I’ve seen the meta-trolls elsewhere.
    The only threat I can think to make is to show up and drink all of someone’s beer. But being pretty sure I’d disapprove of that person’s choice, I’d bring my own. And being the magnanimous goof I am, I’d share in hopes of educating.
    Guess i just tune out what I’ve become accustomed to ignoring.

  24. Wild Bill AT 3:05 PM

    RadioMattM AT 5:19 PM

    stirrin the pot AT 5:59 PM

    Three that got the thumbs up.

    Most often I catch up here on the weekends. And early on I was guilty of commenting much more than I do now. Have walked away (as in only lurking) a couple of times to return like the dog to his vomit. I admit I’m addicted and the worst I can do is lurk for a number of reasons to include relationships (however incomplete) developed offsite. The tipoff comes when you see comments exceeding a hundred. Then to quickly scan/scroll through not finding anything related to the theme of the thread. Used to bother me, but now just move on to the next thread.

    Wish you success with limiting or moving it to a pinned thread, but don’t see it working unless you move them yourself and that creates unnecessary work for you or the other admins. That and separating the contestants in the battle usually gets you bitten no matter how small the dog in the fight.

  25. “The parable of the second arrow is a well-known Buddhist story about dealing with suffering more skilfully. It is said the Buddha once asked a student,
    ‘If a person is struck by an arrow, is it painful? If the person is struck by a second arrow, is it even more painful?’
    He then went on to explain,
    ‘In life, we can’t always control the first arrow. However, the second arrow is our reaction to the first. This second arrow is optional.’

  26. The endless scrolling thru gross, overblown pics of toohpaste smears and moles makes me punch out before I can even get to BB and crazy white cracker!


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