Take the Easy Way Out – IOTW Report

Take the Easy Way Out

Chicago Sun Times

For nearly three decades, millions of gridlocked motorists inching along the Ohio Street feeder ramp toward the Kennedy Expressway have glanced up to see a Metra billboard proclaiming: “Take the easy way out.”

The idea that anyone would associate the sign with suicide never entered the consciousness of the commuter rail agency.

That changed on Monday when a user of the social media site Reddit posted a photograph of the sign in a WTF forum along with a note that read: “Should’ve thought this through a bit harder.” More

21 Comments on Take the Easy Way Out

  1. Its not the easy way.

    Its an easy ride to hell.

    A permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    And an ultimate victory for your enemies and the Enemy of Mankind.

    Suicide is a slap in the face to God.

    Not saying a suicide may not repent and surrender to the Lord with their dying breath.

    Just saying I wouldn’t recommend betting eternal damnation on it.

  2. “It is staffed 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. during the week and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends.”
    I decided to kill myself at 21:00….

  3. That’s the first thing that came to mind as I looked at the ad. I responded to a suicide by freight train on the graveyard shift. I felt a bit sorry for the guy driving the train; he just could not stop in time. The suicidal guy stood on the tracks facing the train with his arms out and was obliterated. Yikes.

  4. I view suicide as a weakling hoping for sympathy.

    Life is tough…You damn right it is.

    If they haven’t already descended…push your balls down to where they belong and stand on your own two feet. Don’t be afraid to fight, what the HELL do you have to lose???

    Way too many people are ‘in charge’ because they’re ASSHOLES and everyone else simply allowed it.

  5. The preceding is about completed suicides.

    There are few things on Earth that are more of a hell than the crippling the incomplete ones give themselves.

    Brain damage from anoxia, organ damage from poisoning, orthopedic damage from jumping off heights or in front of vehicles can be quite grevious but not necessarily fatal.

    The broken body of a jumper lying in a hospital bed gathering bedsores because the spinal damage is too profound to even turn himself, bowels running over the sheets, begging someone to kill him because he deprived himself of the agency to do even that…pretty bad.

    And the person that tried immolation and earned a series of debriedments, where basically a wirebrush is used to strip off dead skin, after which they find a family member died as collateral damage to their attempt to kill themselves…even worse.

    and this doesn’t even touch on the agony of those that love them and tried to help them, those that themselves may fall into depression at the perceived failure of being unable to save a daughter or son, brother or parent, and have to deal with awesome decisions like what to do with that self-decerebated lump of flesh contantly seizing on a hospital bed that still resembles the fruit of their womb, the scion of their hopes and dreams reduced to a quivering mass of misfiring nerve impulses in a body too fouled to even donate the organs, with full knowledge that once they choose to allow that life to fail that it takes with it even the hope of salvation…yeah, nicely done.

    Easy way my ass.

    Suicide is the most selfish thing a person can do, and it doesn’t even help themselves to anything but to the liklihood of torment, in this world or the next.

    Suicide is a finger to the face of God even at the moment you consign yourself to His Judgement.

    And a final burden to those you leave behind.

    That old song about “Suicide Is Painless” is 18p degrees out.

    It hurts to die, and it hurts to live, and it hurts most of all those who WANT you to live.

    And it hurts the Lord that wants to welcome you home most of all.

    Suicide is many things.

    But an “easy way out” it is NOT.

  6. Conservative Cowgirl AT 8:26 PM
    “That’s the first thing that came to mind as I looked at the ad. I responded to a suicide by freight train on the graveyard shift. I felt a bit sorry for the guy driving the train; he just could not stop in time. The suicidal guy stood on the tracks facing the train with his arms out and was obliterated.”

    …I saw bits of a guy who laid down on a railway cutting just around a bend of the tracks in the dark where there was no chance an engineer would see him in time. Left a note and everthing. Got sectioned not entriely cleanly, parts rolled around in the undercarriage for aome distance, like the head.

    Doesn’t look like a great way to die.

    I once took a train engineer’s daughter to a distant hospital at night when I was driving with him in the front seat. There was little traffic so little need for the siren on the highway, abd so time to talk. He said every engineer has killed someone except the new ones, and they will eventually. Mostly idiots trying be beat trains, but it is a distressingly common suicide method. The nature of the things prevent a quick stop. They SEE they are going to hit, but can’t do a thing about it.

    The suicides give the engineers a kind of PTSD too. Not doing THEM any favors with that “easy way out”, either.

  7. jellybean AT 8:37 PM
    “I view suicide as a weakling hoping for sympathy.”

    …many times “suicides” are a cry for help by someone who doesn’t know how to ask for it. Most WANT to be found alive.

    But some don’t understand that they can push it too far and underestimate the potency of things like OTC drugs, and do a better job of killing themselves than intended, sometimes resulting in a very painful death.

    I don’t go into what drugs do what any more, or what techniques work “better”, even in jest.

    That came back to bite me before.

    Never taking that chance again.

    Just rest assured that even the drama queen teen needs to be taken seriously, because they may inadvertently do more serious damage than they intend.

  8. I had an aunt that committed suicide. Tried many times, but finally succeeded.
    Was it a cry for help or just attention?
    The sad part is her 9 yo son came home to find her. Then his stepdad followed about 3 months later, claiming he couldn’t live without her.
    He has never been the same.
    They don’t consider the suffering that will be the results of their actions.

  9. Social media is the bain of human existence. Free your mind, and just stop fucking using it. I deleted ever social media account I ever had about 10 years ago. Short of stopping the use of IV drugs, it’s one of the best things I’ve done for myself.

    Otherwise, it only leads to this type of shit. Bad taste happens and has happened in the past, and will happen in the future regardless of the prevailing holier-than-thou attitude that permeates the virtual world. Just deal with it and move on.

    In other words, sit down, shut up add quit ruining my life. 🖕

  10. my grandfather had twelve grandsons…..as of two years ago this month, when my brother shot himself in the head, four of them are suicides….four out of twelve….i worry for my sons……

  11. Three thoughts:

    1. https://theconservativekitchentable.blogspot.com/2017/01/damned-demons.html

    2. There was the chief engineer at one of the biggest radio stations in San Francisco. I met him a few of times and he always treated me as a professional colleague. A couple of years ago I was wondering what he was up to. He had jumped in front of a train.

    3. I saw a video about safety at railroad crossings. There are many things engineers do not want to see, but there is one thing they absolutely never want to see: a tanker truck caught on the tracks. They know that if it is carrying a flammable cargo, they are toast — literally.

  12. we bought the movie “unbreakable” from walmart years ago…we took it back because whoever slammed the price tag on it, broke it….sometimes the irony just warms your heart…. 🙂


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