“Take Trump’s Name Off Our Park” – He’s a Hateful Bigot – IOTW Report

“Take Trump’s Name Off Our Park” – He’s a Hateful Bigot

Some douchewagon named Andrew Cheung started a petition to remove Trump’s name from land that Trump donated to the state. He’s even got support from a state senator – Dan Squadron.


The suggested names to use as a replacement?

-Some Muslim FROM MASSACHUSETTS that fought in the revolutionary war. (Which side?)

-Pete Seeger, a communist who convinced mouth-breathers that one of his most famous recorded songs, This Land is Your Land (get it, Trump’s land is your land), is about patriotism.

People forget this verse-

In the squares of the city – In the shadow of the steeple
Near the relief office – I see my people
And some are grumblin’ and some are wonderin’
If this land’s still made for you and me.

Naming the park Seeger Park is actually appropriate.

Seeger did nothing. He sung whined about the excesses successes of others and wanted a piece of that pie. Slap his name on land he had nothing to do with. It’s very fitting.

24 Comments on “Take Trump’s Name Off Our Park” – He’s a Hateful Bigot

  1. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered.

    And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.

    History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

    George Orwell, 1984

  2. Realizing the liability of the racist Wilson from Richmond, the left has begun to erase his legacy from their own racist past.

    Soon, the Donkeys will have rewritten history so that Abe Lincoln was a Democrat fighting the evil of the GOP and it’s Banker backed slave trade.

  3. How about We Love Dicks Park, cause they are the only ones who will be there. Looks like there’s plenty of woods to let your hair down in, if you get my drift. Shame on these effin ingrates.

  4. not sure if upon transfer of title there was any paper work stating the park donated by Trump keep his name on it but i would be very surprised if it didn’t. I smell a lawsuit acoming for this land donated for our land.
    TRUMP/WALL 2016

  5. He will get it back if they rename it – the article says the donation agreement prohibits renaming it. Who would you rather have negotiating treaties – Trump or Obama?

  6. Too rich! “Get Trump’s name off OUR park.”?

    It’s only “OUR” park because Trump gave it to you, you dumb fucking imbecile! If we waited for you to buy land and donate it, there’d NEVER be a park!

  7. Damn, Cato. I knew it was Orwell in the first ten words. He was so right on target it’s scary. I appreciate him, Ayn Rand and Aldous Huxley more and more as I get older.

  8. Watching Miss Universe tonight when they introduced the judges. One was some queer named Perez Hilton who exclaimed how glad he was that the pageant was no longer owned by Donald Trump. There was some applause but most, including Steve Harvey, just groaned.
    Miss USA was asked about gun control. She hemmed and hawed a little before indicating that she was generally against it. She made it to third runner-up.

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